Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:19 am
Hey again 
Sometimes maps can be a great source of inspiration for scenarios and campaigns, so I thought I'd share a part of my map on the area around Strayhold. I made it in Campaign Cartographer and then just converted it to more of a "player handout" kind of map with a sepia effect.
The original and bigger version is in color and has the option of showing hex grids to calculate journeys and such
If you have use for it, go ahead! ... sp=sharing
Some scenario ideas based on this area could be:
- Seek out the source of the orc raiding parties coming from this part of Mirkwood and find out why hunters disappear when venturing too deep into darkness. Is it just the dangers of the forest or are the rumors of a sorceress true?
- Many have been attacked by orcs when moving over the plains as well. How do they escape the light of the sun and how do they stay hidden from view? The hills are far between so they must have tunnels that they use. Can the characters find them and live to talk about it?
- Someone is serving the Enemy within Strayhold and has started to assassinate those who try to stop it. Can the characters find out who it is?
- Old conflicts and prejudice is a breeding ground for hate and corruption. The northmen, easterlings and gondorian men have a hard time accepting a shared rule even though a truce has reigned for many years. The influences of the Enemy have increased the tensions and the characters are forced to either make a choice for which side they are on or desperately strive to balance the forces out once again through diplomacy.
- The stories of Strayhold tell of an old prison and military outpost used first by the northmen and then by the invading easterlings. A place of dark deeds, slavetrade, torture and interrogation. No one has ever found the remains of this place out on the plains, but some say that it could hold surviving relics of the old days, trophies of war from centuries before. Can it be found? Will the ruins hold more than just death and dust?
- The ravine of Strayhold has many old buildings from when Gondor ruled these lands. Many have fallen into disrepair over the years, but they bare witness of the fact that Strayhold was once a fortress built from the very rock that surrounds it. Many tunnels and halls have been found and are used today, but there might be more, and in a place where bloody conflict might be waiting around the corner, its good to have the upper hand. Can they be found and what purpose could they serve? Has someone else already found them and is using them in secret?
Just some more ideas...

Sometimes maps can be a great source of inspiration for scenarios and campaigns, so I thought I'd share a part of my map on the area around Strayhold. I made it in Campaign Cartographer and then just converted it to more of a "player handout" kind of map with a sepia effect.
The original and bigger version is in color and has the option of showing hex grids to calculate journeys and such
If you have use for it, go ahead! ... sp=sharing
Some scenario ideas based on this area could be:
- Seek out the source of the orc raiding parties coming from this part of Mirkwood and find out why hunters disappear when venturing too deep into darkness. Is it just the dangers of the forest or are the rumors of a sorceress true?
- Many have been attacked by orcs when moving over the plains as well. How do they escape the light of the sun and how do they stay hidden from view? The hills are far between so they must have tunnels that they use. Can the characters find them and live to talk about it?
- Someone is serving the Enemy within Strayhold and has started to assassinate those who try to stop it. Can the characters find out who it is?
- Old conflicts and prejudice is a breeding ground for hate and corruption. The northmen, easterlings and gondorian men have a hard time accepting a shared rule even though a truce has reigned for many years. The influences of the Enemy have increased the tensions and the characters are forced to either make a choice for which side they are on or desperately strive to balance the forces out once again through diplomacy.
- The stories of Strayhold tell of an old prison and military outpost used first by the northmen and then by the invading easterlings. A place of dark deeds, slavetrade, torture and interrogation. No one has ever found the remains of this place out on the plains, but some say that it could hold surviving relics of the old days, trophies of war from centuries before. Can it be found? Will the ruins hold more than just death and dust?
- The ravine of Strayhold has many old buildings from when Gondor ruled these lands. Many have fallen into disrepair over the years, but they bare witness of the fact that Strayhold was once a fortress built from the very rock that surrounds it. Many tunnels and halls have been found and are used today, but there might be more, and in a place where bloody conflict might be waiting around the corner, its good to have the upper hand. Can they be found and what purpose could they serve? Has someone else already found them and is using them in secret?
Just some more ideas...