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Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:21 pm
by jacksarge
I like the idea of bringing Shanker back into the story somewhere. My players have just finished "of leaves..." and I am planning to run Zedturtle's "Theft of the Moon" next as it will be a good intro for a new player who is joining the party. I have also thought that it might be cool for the players to meet Merovech & Oderic at the festivities or through interactions at the Easterly Inn- those PC's who spent their fellowship phase at the Inn would at least have heard of Merovech as a local "big wig". Perhaps Shanker could be working with those who have stolen the sickle, or be used as a substitute for Cenric the Archer?

Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:24 pm
by Majestic
FWIW I think it's brilliant to throw in little things like this ahead of time. So far I haven't been able to do as much of that as I like, but I certainly plan to moving forward.

Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:35 pm
by zedturtle
jacksarge wrote:I like the idea of bringing Shanker back into the story somewhere. My players have just finished "of leaves..." and I am planning to run Zedturtle's "Theft of the Moon" next as it will be a good intro for a new player who is joining the party. I have also thought that it might be cool for the players to meet Merovech & Oderic at the festivities or through interactions at the Easterly Inn- those PC's who spent their fellowship phase at the Inn would at least have heard of Merovech as a local "big wig". Perhaps Shanker could be working with those who have stolen the sickle, or be used as a substitute for Cenric the Archer?
Yes, Shanker would be an excellent substitute for Cenric! Great stuff to look both forwards and backwards.

I'd even go so far as to introduce Oderic, Rathfic and Brunhild at the Festival. Then maybe the impetus for Kinstrife can happen while the characters are dealing with Sickle and they can encounter the boat along the way back. Or maybe after staying at Beorn's for a time, if you want a Fellowship Phase.

Or you could have some time pass, as to not have things run together, your call.

Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:28 am
by jacksarge
Yes, Shanker would be an excellent substitute for Cenric! Great stuff to look both forwards and backwards.

I'd even go so far as to introduce Oderic, Rathfic and Brunhild at the Festival. Then maybe the impetus for Kinstrife can happen while the characters are dealing with Sickle and they can encounter the boat along the way back. Or maybe after staying at Beorn's for a time, if you want a Fellowship Phase.

Or you could have some time pass, as to not have things run together, your call.
Thanks Zed :D
As I plan to start using Roll20 with our group, I thought it would be useful for the two members of the party who stayed at the Easterly Inn during fellowship phase to receive some journal entries concerning local personalities, events and the general situation in the realm of the Beornings. That way they can find out a bit about the Viglundings and their antipathy to Beornings, perhaps their practice of having thralls, then they can decide to share this information with other party members as they see fit. The Easterly Inn could be used as a great place for receiving information/misinformation from locals and passing travellers.

Another thought I had regarding Shanker, was that perhaps he is actually a Ranger who has fallen into shadow and bitterness due to witnessing some horrific event or experiencing a great loss. He comes across in "Of leaves.." as a cynical character who has ceased to care about the fate of others, perhaps like Gollum he has some part to play for good or ill? ;)

Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:44 am
by Majestic
jacksarge wrote:The Easterly Inn could be used as a great place for receiving information/misinformation from locals and passing travellers.
My players made The Easterly Inn a sanctuary, and are currently there for a Fellowship phase in our campaign. I'd just decided to do the exact same thing, figuring it would be the perfect place to hear news from every other direction (as travelers come through with various tales of what they've seen and heard).

Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:28 am
by Lugija
jacksarge wrote:Another thought I had regarding Shanker, was that perhaps he is actually a Ranger who has fallen into shadow and bitterness due to witnessing some horrific event or experiencing a great loss. He comes across in "Of leaves.." as a cynical character who has ceased to care about the fate of others, perhaps like Gollum he has some part to play for good or ill? ;)
That's a good idea, I may steal it. My players have met him a couple of times while travelling in the Vales. He usually arrives just as they have prepared dinner and invites himself to eat. "It's nice to see that there are still civil folk living in the Wild", he says as he eats. "Say, can you give me fire for the pipe weed? Thank you. And loan a pipe, I seem to have misplaced mine, please? Thank you. And some pipe weed?"

As a reward for their kindness the players get information that is actually correct.

Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:11 pm
by jamesrbrown
Here's the next adventure I'm working on. It needs development, but the basic outline is there.

– king on top –
of the mountain

When: This adventure takes place anytime after 2948, when the Desolation of Smaug is green once again, but disrespectful Barding villagers are frequently trespassing into the Woodland Realm to cut down silver beeches (see The Darkening of Mirkwood, pages 13 and 17).

Where: The adventure begins in Lake-town and moves through the Northern Dalelands, into the East Gap of the Grey Mountains Narrows, and all the way to the Gamolberg, the hoary mountain.

What: A dangerous man has escaped the town gaol in Lake-town and is believed to have murdered everyone aboard the longboat of a prominent town councillor, including the councillor and his wife, before fleeing to the north. The company is hired to track down the criminal and recapture him.

Why: The suspect is a violent stranger who must be stopped before he kills again.

Who: The company meets Frida, a lady of the Lake who's relatives have been murdered, Magoldir, a wayward Elf of Mirkwood, Frár the Beardless, a houseless Dwarf of the Grey Mountains Narrows, and finally Skarf Hammerstroke, a wild mountain-man with a dark secret.

Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:23 pm
by jacksarge
That sounds really interesting James. I've been pondering how to get an adventure into the gap above Mirkwood, so will look forward to seeing what yours is like.

Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 11:06 am
by Michebugio
I really would need help to build a small adventure branch regarding a Troll mentioned in Heart of the Wild, I have the italian version but the english name should sound as Bane, Scourge or something similar.

In the book, the Troll is said to come at night, destroy an entire village and then disappear without leaving any trace. It is believed to be a Hill Troll breed in Dol Guldur and grown in power (so I also need to stat him up: maybe starting from a Hill Troll Chieftain and adding elite qualities?).

Has any of you already thought about this plot? If yes, I would be really glad to hear it from you!

Thanks everybody in advance :)

Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 11:34 am
by Lugija
The name in English is Mansbane. Actually I am currently planning an adventure with him. It's kind of a sequel to Those Who Tarry No Longer, and features also the village of the escaped prisoners from HotW. The leader Ash is the captured Elf Rodwen and Mansbane is the hill-troll from the dream. For some reason the old troll's only purpose in life now seems to be seeing all the prisoners dead.

I don't have much else yet, I mean to play it as a little spookier adventure. Classic monster in the dark.