Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!
Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!
So one of my players has chosen the Searching for Answers undertaking to look into rumors of Mansbane. I was thinking of another way of taking the story. After escaping from Dol Guldur the troll made his way north into the heart of Mirkwood, where he eventually found himself deep in Tyulqin's realm. The spider, seeing potential in the troll entrapped him with her magical webs of deception and made him her thrall. Now he dwells deep in the forest under her protection. She will send him out from time to time to loot and pillage, killing all he finds and bringing back any treasures, especially jewels, for her to consume in her insatiable hunger. To aid him, the spider has woven him a cloak that allows him to move unseen and undetected, perhaps through her magic of deception.
I'm trying to build an adventure around this for the tracking and slaying of Mansbane. Does this sound reasonable? Any thoughts?
I'm trying to build an adventure around this for the tracking and slaying of Mansbane. Does this sound reasonable? Any thoughts?
Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!
I don't know how far along you are, but it sounds like an excellent way to handle the Bloody Ghost. The players start to investigate the rumours, find Mansbane being active and eventually chase him down to his lair. They attack him, but spiders come to his aid. Eventually the players will be victorious (though you might throw a few curveballs their way... like the find the lair, but Mansbane is hidden and stalking them while they think they're getting ready to ambush him).Wbweather wrote:So one of my players has chosen the Searching for Answers undertaking to look into rumors of Mansbane. I was thinking of another way of taking the story. After escaping from Dol Guldur the troll made his way north into the heart of Mirkwood, where he eventually found himself deep in Tyulqin's realm. The spider, seeing potential in the troll entrapped him with her magical webs of deception and made him her thrall. Now he dwells deep in the forest under her protection. She will send him out from time to time to loot and pillage, killing all he finds and bringing back any treasures, especially jewels, for her to consume in her insatiable hunger. To aid him, the spider has woven him a cloak that allows him to move unseen and undetected, perhaps through her magic of deception.
I'm trying to build an adventure around this for the tracking and slaying of Mansbane. Does this sound reasonable? Any thoughts?
Then they realise that the Bloody Ghost is still active, so while they achieved a Great Good, they actually failed in their original mission.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
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Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!
I am ready to run the Folk-moot (just getting started in DoM). I was thinking of introducing news of a recent attack on a Woodmen settlement at the folk-moot. The whole village was killed, except for a frightened child who was found hiding in a hollowed out stump. She saw the whole thing unfold, but has been too traumatized to speak since. My players would need to get information from her and investigate. I like the idea of seeking out the lair and getting attacked by spiders and tricked by the troll.
I can't find any reference to the bloody ghost in the source materials. Where would I find that?
I can't find any reference to the bloody ghost in the source materials. Where would I find that?
Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!
2949, page 17, DoM.I can't find any reference to the bloody ghost in the source materials. Where would I find that?
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.
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This space intentionally blank.
Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!
Okay, thanks. Couldn't remember where I had seen that.
Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!
Okay, here's an original adventure I've been putting together to run in the Fantasy Grounds Con 6 virtual convention on April 18th. I'd appreciate any constructive criticism. It's built as a stand alone adventure with 6 pregenerated characters.
Treasures Long Lost (link)
It is 2968, the Third Age of Middle Earth. A young prince of Rohan, Théoden, makes his way north into the Anduin vale in search of an ancient treasure buried somewhere in the ruins of a long forsaken city of his ancestors. You have been asked to aid him in his quest. Together, will you be able to recover this legendary treasure and help establish Théoden as a worthy leader of his people or perish along side of the heir to the throne of the Rohirrim?
Any thoughts?
Treasures Long Lost (link)
It is 2968, the Third Age of Middle Earth. A young prince of Rohan, Théoden, makes his way north into the Anduin vale in search of an ancient treasure buried somewhere in the ruins of a long forsaken city of his ancestors. You have been asked to aid him in his quest. Together, will you be able to recover this legendary treasure and help establish Théoden as a worthy leader of his people or perish along side of the heir to the throne of the Rohirrim?
Any thoughts?
Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!
I haven't got a chance to read through it yet, Wbweather, but I like the concept and it looks really well done. Thanks for sharing it! 

Tale of Years for a second, lower-level group (in the same campaign).
Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!
I used a similar idea in an adventure I am writing. Also a girl but from raided farmstead not the village.Wbweather wrote:The whole village was killed, except for a frightened child who was found hiding in a hollowed out stump. She saw the whole thing unfold, but has been too traumatized to speak.

Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!
By the way, I still have one open slot for the game if anyone is interested in filling it. Here's the link: ... long-lost/ ... long-lost/
- Indur Dawndeath
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Re: Adventure Ideas - Large or Small!
I think you have written an excellent adventure, very entertaining!. Lots of great scenes!!Wbweather wrote:Okay, here's an original adventure I've been putting together to run in the Fantasy Grounds Con 6 virtual convention on April 18th. I'd appreciate any constructive criticism. It's built as a stand alone adventure with 6 pregenerated characters.
Treasures Long Lost (link)
It is 2968, the Third Age of Middle Earth. A young prince of Rohan, Théoden, makes his way north into the Anduin vale in search of an ancient treasure buried somewhere in the ruins of a long forsaken city of his ancestors. You have been asked to aid him in his quest. Together, will you be able to recover this legendary treasure and help establish Théoden as a worthy leader of his people or perish along side of the heir to the throne of the Rohirrim?
Any thoughts?
I gave my players the information, that there is a treasure somewhere in Framsburg, but so far I have evaded the subject further. Now I can relax and wait for them to get interested. Of course I might have to rethink the beginning, as they may not want to wait for Theodan to show up.
Many thanks for sharing

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