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Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:05 am
by Elroval
I'm planning to introduce the rules for holdings in my upcoming Bree campaign. This will be the first time I've used them.

I'd be interested to know if anyone has run or played in a game where the players actually start the game with holdings. If so, how has this worked out, compared to establishing holdings during the course of the campaign?

On the one hand, I can see it making sense to start the characters with holdings, especially if the Fellowship is from the area in which the campaign takes place. (My group is shaping up to be 2 Men of Bree and 4 Bree hobbits.) On the other hand, the possibility of establishing a holding during the course of a campaign would provide something to work towards, and perhaps a sense of accomplishment when they are actually gained.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Holdings

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:21 am
by Butterfingers
I don't have much experience with holdings, I've just only granted one to one companion in our group as a reward from Beorn. But I bet when the players realise holdings will help with upkeeping status which in turn helps with social encounters, they will be all looking to get them. :lol:

But if you start with a holding, it's easier to raise your status within the community as well, or they might even have higher status from the start, which is something to consider? Depending of course, how rich the holding is.

Re: Holdings

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:48 am
by Elroval
Thanks for the reply, Butterfingers.

Re: Holdings

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 5:53 pm
by Pence95
I use holdings to keep my players active in the Wilds. For example, they invest they Treasure to build other structure around the holding as to create a small comunity near Mirkwood.
I'm not so generous, infact their holdings have a rate of 9, that's why is difficult for them to gain treasure.

I think holdings are also useful if you want to introduce new NPCs, enemies, or if you want your players to explore a place (maybe a hobbit runs a pony-ranch in the Shire and you want him to buy new ponies near Rivendell). Holdings are cool, it's a way to customize Wilderland :lol:

Re: Holdings

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 8:44 pm
by Mim
Elroval, I'm also hoping to start a chronicle set in the Bree-land and will be curious to see how you work holdings into your game.

I'm considering using Rich's adventure, What Lies Beneath, and shifting the locale of the manor house to just north of the Chetwood.

Re: Holdings

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:44 pm
by Otaku-sempai
Mim wrote:
Tue Jan 30, 2018 8:44 pm
Elroval, I'm also hoping to start a chronicle set in the Bree-land and will be curious to see how you work holdings into your game.

I'm considering using Rich's adventure, What Lies Beneath, and shifting the locale of the manor house to just north of the Chetwood.
I've been playing with the notion that a handful of 'pioneering' families from Bree-land have established farmholds to the west of the Hills of Evendim along the River Lhûn. Technically, this would probably be considered the King's land; but since there is no (known) living king of Arthedain, there is no one to dispute their claims or to collect taxes (discounting armed bandits). These holds would be far from Bree-land; however, I've also placed a small trading post, Anthorp, located upstream from the confluence of the Lhûn and the Siruial (or Twilight River) that flows out of the Hills of Evendim. I placed Anthorp on the west bank of the Lhûn, but it might make more sense to have in on the east side of the river. The post runs a ferry service that allows travelers to cross the Lhûn.

More enterprising individuals have crossed the river into the lands formerly held by the Elves. A few have established holdings, but most are trappers, fishers and fowlers; some even pan for gold in the streams originating in the Blue Mountains. The greatest hazards are wolves, mountain cats (in the foothills of the Ered Luin) and other Men. Besides the trading post, the Dwarves of the northern Blue Mountains are willing to trade their metalwork in exchange for furs, preserved meats and other goods. I'll admit, the whole set up does have a bit of an 'Old West' vibe.

Cave lion of the Blue Mountains:

Re: Holdings

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 4:15 pm
by DarkTraveller
My players were dispatched by Bard and Dain back to the lair of the Mewlips to flush them out and attempt to start a community on the edge of Mirkwood near the East-West Road (to help out with the plan to rebuild the road). Unfortunately, if it wasn't bad enough that it's been built on the edge of Mirkwood, they decided to name their town Tristram so obviously it is doomed to future destruction but for now it's a nice little community with docks on the River Running and the start of a bridge across it.

Re: Holdings

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:14 pm
by Mim
You've done some brilliant work Otaku-sempai, thank you!

I've read your posts and your (western) Eriador sourcebook more than once since you've first published 'em, and have borrowed a few ideas. :)

For example, you raise a great point about the likelihood of a crossing over the Lhûnduin, and I placed a similar inn, settlement, and ferry there, much like you have with Anthorp. I debated doing so originally, but then saw your write-up and thought, "Why not?" It makes sense and fills a void for anyone traveling in that direction.

I also like your name of Siruial (Twilight River), as well as some of the material you've written for the surrounding area, including the settlers, beasts, and such.

Yes, it does have a bit of the Old West feel but that's OK because it gives your players a chance to roll up their sleeves and get busy defending people from the servants of the Enemy, Ruffians, Mountain Cats, etc.

All in all, you've developed the area nicely in great depth and filled in an area of Middle-earth that rarely gets the attention it deserves.

Re: Holdings

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:26 pm
by Otaku-sempai
Thank you, Mim. That was my intention: filling in some gaps in a manner that I hoped would be both useful and fun! I tried to do much the same thing with the Blue Mountains, though I should still attempt to come up with a more detailed write-up for my Dwarf-city of Hargrod.

Re: Holdings

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:44 pm
by Elroval
Mim wrote:
Tue Jan 30, 2018 8:44 pm
Elroval, I'm also hoping to start a chronicle set in the Bree-land and will be curious to see how you work holdings into your game.

I'm considering using Rich's adventure, What Lies Beneath, and shifting the locale of the manor house to just north of the Chetwood.
Hi Mim,

I'll certainly keep you posted, if holdings do become a thing in the campaign. (I may actually do a Tale of Years thread to describe how the campaign goes). I'll also be interested to hear what you do with them as well.

Unfortunately, I don't yet have Ruins of the North, so I'm not familiar with What Lies Beneath.