Coming next for The One Ring™

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Re: Coming next for The One Ring™

Post by Valdur » Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:50 am

Well actually I figured mid April because they will most likely want to keep the buzz for the game high while we have to wait for the new material.

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Re: Coming next for The One Ring™

Post by Hermes Serpent » Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:33 am

It's TAX day in the US and many people will have a refund to spend.
Some TOR Information on my G+ Drive. ... sp=sharing
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Re: Coming next for The One Ring™

Post by Hobbesworth » Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:40 pm

I am wicked late to this thread, but just wanted to chime in with how excited I am for these upcoming releases. For me personally, I can't wait for the Rivendell material and adventure book. I LOVE how awesome the adventure books have been so far, I've never had an easier and more fun time running pre-written campaigns than what I have so far with Tales from Wilderland. Also will most certainly be rolling a new Dunedan character (along with many other players I'm sure).

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Re: Coming next for The One Ring™

Post by cad1132 » Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:15 pm

A thought I had: considering that "Rivendell" is apparently going to cover most of northern Eriador, perhaps the title ought to be changed in order to indicate that a broader expanse of Middle-earth is being covered? Even if it's just called 'Rivendell and the North." I'm assuming this will be much like a combination of the setting information in the LM book and Heart of the Wild in terms of laying out the geography, societies and timeline of this next delineation of a part of M-E, perhaps with a more expansive treatment of a Sanctuary (Rivendell) than is typical for sourcebooks in the line.

Also, please introduce Gandalf as a potential patron and major NPC in this supplement. This part of Middle-earth seems to be his stomping ground, at least per the books.

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Re: Coming next for The One Ring™

Post by beckett » Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:28 pm

cad1132 wrote:A thought I had: considering that "Rivendell" is apparently going to cover most of northern Eriador, perhaps the title ought to be changed in order to indicate that a broader expanse of Middle-earth is being covered? Even if it's just called 'Rivendell and the North." I'm assuming this will be much like a combination of the setting information in the LM book and Heart of the Wild in terms of laying out the geography, societies and timeline of this next delineation of a part of M-E, perhaps with a more expansive treatment of a Sanctuary (Rivendell) than is typical for sourcebooks in the line.

Also, please introduce Gandalf as a potential patron and major NPC in this supplement. This part of Middle-earth seems to be his stomping ground, at least per the books.
Rivendell and the Lost Realm of Arnor has a nice ring to it.
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Re: Coming next for The One Ring™

Post by Eclipse » Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:10 am

While I do not have the time to enter discussions here at the moment, I am still running my TOR campaign and I just wanted to say that I am very excited about the upcoming books. Keep up the good work, the quality and scope is much appreciated! My players love the campaign (I am doing a mix of official adventures and my own stuff) and consider the rules to be a great representation of Tolkien's works.
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Re: Coming next for The One Ring™

Post by Mordagnir » Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:08 pm

beckett wrote: Rivendell and the Lost Realm of Arnor has a nice ring to it.
Perfect. Hopefully, it's not too late for Cubicle7 to implement this minor adjustment!

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Re: Coming next for The One Ring™

Post by cad1132 » Wed Mar 19, 2014 3:55 pm

Another thought: the Player's Guide will include Men of Gondor as a player culture. However, consider the great many different peoples of Gondor enumerated in Return of the King: men of Anfalas, Belfalas, Dol Amroth, Morthond Vale,Lamedon, Ringló Vale, Lebennin, Lossarnach and "South Gondor." Merely reading the bare descriptions of these people as their armies march through the Gate of Minas Tirith gives the impression of a kingdom of very different cultures and norms, and the numbers of soldiers and the extent of armaments sent by these lands give clues as to possible attitudes of these fiefdoms toward the Capital, or toward potential conflict with Mordor. Or will "Man of Gondor" merely indicate a Man of Minas Tirith and Anórien?

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Re: Coming next for The One Ring™

Post by Otaku-sempai » Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:56 pm

cad1132 wrote:Another thought: the Player's Guide will include Men of Gondor as a player culture. However, consider the great many different peoples of Gondor enumerated in Return of the King: men of Anfalas, Belfalas, Dol Amroth, Morthond Vale,Lamedon, Ringló Vale, Lebennin, Lossarnach and "South Gondor." Merely reading the bare descriptions of these people as their armies march through the Gate of Minas Tirith gives the impression of a kingdom of very different cultures and norms, and the numbers of soldiers and the extent of armaments sent by these lands give clues as to possible attitudes of these fiefdoms toward the Capital, or toward potential conflict with Mordor. Or will "Man of Gondor" merely indicate a Man of Minas Tirith and Anórien?
Other possible subcategories (Backgrounds) for Man of Gondor:
- Ithilien Ranger
- Knight of Dol Amroth
- Seeker of Lost Lore - You work in the Library of Minas Tirith and desire to recover ancient secrets of Numenor.
- Mariner's Child
- Noble Blood - Your parents are counted among the Lords of Minas Tirith.
- Guardsman
- Tradesman's Son/Daughter
- Healer - You work in the Houses of Healing and know much about medicine and herb-lore.
Last edited by Otaku-sempai on Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coming next for The One Ring™

Post by trystero » Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:27 pm

Otaku-sempai, I think a lot of the groups you mention might be better covered as backgrounds. I do like the idea of having some regional distinction between, say, the folk of Minas Tirith, Dol Amroth, and Lebennin, as cad1132 mentions, but don't want to see a whole culture for each one: perhaps there will be some "cultural variation" rules that allow a single Men of Gondor culture to cover all these groups?
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