What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

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Re: What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

Post by Angelalex242 » Sat Mar 01, 2014 7:48 pm

Cavaet:Nothing lucky happens to the characters OUTSIDE OF COMBAT.

Cause, ya know, terrible luck that leads you into a fight just gives you the chance to be heroic. Terrible luck IN the fight makes you dead. Such a story is simply over, roll up new characters.

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Re: What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

Post by Sprigg » Sat Mar 01, 2014 8:09 pm

Elfcrusher wrote:Out of curiosity, how are you playing "lost in Mirkwood"? Was it the result of travel hazards and failed skill rolls, or something that you just ruled by executive fiat? What rules/mechanics are you using to let them get un-lost?

Would like to have some ideas for my own campaign. Thanks.
It started as failed travel rolls, and two hazard events pushed them deeper into the woods. They became disoriented after getting jumped by spiders and are now attempting to find the road again or a game trail, through tests and if they come up with a brilliant idea I'll certainly let them try it. They are loving the roleplay, though If they don't re-orient, they'll possibly be meeting up with a slightly deranged, but mostly friendly, dwarf who's been hiding in the woods for some time after having escaped from the marsh dwellers.

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Re: What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

Post by Etarnon » Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:39 am

A combat system with no teeth is inherently not dramatic.

If there is no chance to die from even bad luck, it's a Road Runner cartoon.

Some people do not mind rolling up new characters, some do.

I think the fatigue, endurance wound and death rules are perfect.

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