What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

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What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

Post by Sprigg » Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:27 pm

One of my players has extraordinarily bad luck, and she has failed every fatigue test, on top of rolling at least seven eyes last session. She has 24 endurance and has 21 fatigue currently. The other players have mostly passed their tests (and have around five more points of endurance). She also managed to gain three points of shadow, and on several of these tests she rolled so poorly that even a hope point to add her heart score wouldn't let her pass.

Should they be recovering fatigue while wandering the depths of Mirkwood? I feel like things are just a little too tough for her specifically (she has one travel rank and one lore) or I might be missing something.

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Re: What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

Post by DavetheLost » Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:37 pm

Have her fall into an enchanted sleep like Bombur did?

It might not be a bad thing to have the group encounter an outpost of friendly folk where they can rest and regain at least a little fatigue. Certainly the poor player who is already at 23 fatigue vs an endurance of 25 is almost going to be out of the next encounter when they reach it, which hardly seems fun.

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Re: What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

Post by Hermes Serpent » Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:09 pm

Five to seven points of Endurance is one hit by almost any decent adversary. It almost sounds like they shouldn't be wherever they are. Have they pushed their luck in heading into more danger than they can cope with?

I'd go with whatever plotline you had in mind and let the dice fall wherever they may. If they all die then perhaps they'll be more wary next time out. Plus they'll have heroic deaths to boast about or maybe they''ll all die screaming for their mothers.

If you gave them warnings and they persisted in their folly then a TPK may make then understand that this isn't your regular fantasy RPG where the heroes usually have some sort of plot immunity.
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Re: What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

Post by Sprigg » Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:03 pm

Due to a bit of extremely good luck on their part, they took out the marsh bell water troll from their boat (I'm cannibalizing bits of it for my own adventure), right after leaving Esgaroth. The troll kept failing rolls, they kept getting G runes. It was actually a decently impressive display of stupid aggression on their part, as I intended then to run away. They are currently lost in Mirkwood, attempting to find the old road again. There are a few ways to get them back on the road and out somewhat more safely, and I don't want to kill them yet as they've put a lot of work into these characters, but I'm not going to deus ex machina anything either.

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Re: What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

Post by Beleg » Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:06 pm

I suppose in theory you could suggest that due to tiredness and forethought the character sheds some of her equipment in order to go on: leave behind a spare weapon, try and live without armour, something like that maybe?

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Re: What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

Post by DavetheLost » Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:21 am

When I suggested Wood Elves, or Woodmen for that matter, I was thinking mostly of a good night's sleep and some hot food. Enough to restore some fatigue but that is all. In the morning the two groups would go their separate ways. A one time easing of the situation, not a reliable fallback.

A game trail or such that leads back to the proper path is another possibility.

Lost in Mirkwood is a difficult situation. It almost did for Thorin &Co a couple of times. I am not even convinced that a Hobbit who had a magic ring would have been enough to save the Dwarves from those spiders...

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Re: What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

Post by Angelalex242 » Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:59 am


The logical thing to do is say, "You're too tired to put your armor on. You must leave it off, or you'll pass out within 10 minutes."

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Re: What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

Post by Glorelendil » Sat Mar 01, 2014 4:28 am

Out of curiosity, how are you playing "lost in Mirkwood"? Was it the result of travel hazards and failed skill rolls, or something that you just ruled by executive fiat? What rules/mechanics are you using to let them get un-lost?

Would like to have some ideas for my own campaign. Thanks.
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Re: What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

Post by Evening » Sat Mar 01, 2014 8:40 am

Sprigg wrote:but I'm not going to deus ex machina anything either.
At this point, anything offering respite or a way to regain Endurance will only appear to be exactly what you want to avoid. Let them slag it out to the road and hope for the best.
Don't start arguments over who has a better grasp of hiking and boating or someone might just bring down the banhammer.

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Re: What happens when fatigue meets max endurance?

Post by Etarnon » Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:36 pm

They need to find a cave, and hole up for a few days. The people who aren't exhausted post as guards. Daily hunting checks for food, or turn back.

The truth is to keep it dramatic, nothing lucky ever happens to the Characters, it happens to tghe bad guys to make it tougher on the characters.

The dramatic tension of "I'm exhausted, my armor is too heavy to wear, we need rest." Then the orcs attack.

If they make it out of that, they are heroes. A lucky glade of pure healing water would be nice, but make it difficult to get to. "My people know of a place where a fountain springs from the rock, yet we do not travel there, but we could benefit. But it will be risky."

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