Please note:
- This is not meant to represent a specific culture; it's just a sketch of what such a culture could look like while fitting in with the rest of TOR.
- Thus I didn't even bother trying to name it.
- The basic premise is that "magic" is really just Lore.
- I also didn't work very hard at balancing numbers. These are just ideas.
- This is the result of 45 minutes work; I'm sure there are better ideas.
(Forums are brutal places; thus all the caveats.)
Prototype Culture
Backgrounds: Body always <= 3. High wits. Variable Heart.
Specialities: All forms of lore, smoking, story-telling, smithcraft.
Distinctive Features: Any
Cultural Blessing: “Loremaster” Roll 2 feat dice and keep higher result on all Lore rolls
Weapon Choices (unlike other cultures you only get one weapon, and a max starting skill of 1)
Staff: 1
(Swords): 1
Common Skills:
0 points: Battle, Hunting, Athletics, Stealth, Explore, Athletics
1 point: Craft, Courtesy, Healing, Inspire, Travel, Awareness
2 points: Awe, Riddle, Insight, Song, Persuade
3 points: Lore
Virtue Ideas (My naming choices suck...these are just placeholders.)
- “Force of Personality” Spend a point of hope to boost one Personality common skill by a huge amount for X turns.
“Fire and Brimstone” Spend endurance to cause a flame to flare suddenly, blinding and possibly damaging enemies. Effect depends on amount of endurance spent, limited by size of fire source. (This might be a “pick one of three” virtue to manipulate an element, with the choice being between Fire, Water, or Air.)
“Metamagic” Multi-tiered virtue- First get the ability to sense/detect “magic”
Next get the ability to dispel/cancel it (spend endurance, roll Lore, on a failure lose a point of hope, on a Sauron also get a point of Shadow)
Finally get the ability to cast enchantments
“Remove Shadow” Spend one Hope to try to reduce an ally’s Shadow by one. Requires a Wisdom roll vs variable TN.
“Linguist” Automatically be able to read any written language. Spend Hope to decipher magical writing. - First get the ability to sense/detect “magic”
Reward Ideas:
- Loremaster’s Staff: Parry +3 (assumes existence of quarterstaff weapon type)
Numenorean Ring: Never Weary when using Personality or Custom common skills.
Rhunic Robe: -2 on Travel TNs, Winter Gear encumbrance = 1.