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Mixing up Fellowship Phase steps

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 2:28 pm
by Winterwolf
On pg 193 of the Revised rules, it gives the steps for the Company to follow during the Fellowship Phase as follows:
Choose Destination
Standing Upkeep
Spend Experience Points
Spend Advancement Points
Choose Undertakings

Now some of the Undertakings allow characters to purchase skill levels cheaper than usual e.g. (pg 122 of the Adventurer's Companion) Conferring with Gandalf, Saruman or Radagast to purchase various skill levels at half cost of Advancement points.
I allow Undertakings to be performed first, if requested, so that the benefits of purchasing skills are obtained in the current Fellowship Phase rather than the following one. I can imagine that arguments could be made for thinking that:
a) previous experiences (i.e. Advancement points already gained) could be applied to the new insight (i.e. Undertaking with learned person such as the Istari) OR
b) the new insight (i.e. Undertaking with learned person) takes place first and only then can new experiences (i.e. Advancement points gained after that) can use the new way of learning.

Has anyone other LM not stuck to the listed order of steps in the FP like this?

Re: Mixing up Fellowship Phase steps

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 2:56 pm
by Falenthal
I allow the change if it fits the narrative. I'm not strict with the order during the FP: some players already know what Undertaking they'll take before even knowing where to spend the FP, or where to spend their XPs and APs. We go in any order once all have decide if they'll stay together or disband.

Re: Mixing up Fellowship Phase steps

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:06 pm
by Majestic
We do it the same way. I allow complete flexibility in what order they do things in the Fellowship Phase. It's supposed to be player-driven, after all.

Re: Mixing up Fellowship Phase steps

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 10:28 am
by Robin Smallburrow
I allow the change for an obvious reason: Opening X as a Sanctuary is an Undertaking, and many other Undertakings etc. get bonuses if the PC is at a Sanctuary. So my players usually do the 'Open X as a Sanctuary' first, then do the other things (Heal Corruption etc.) they want to do. I don't have a problem (usually) with this, as it makes sense narratively (they are spending their initial time getting to know people).

Robin S.

Re: Mixing up Fellowship Phase steps

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 1:01 pm
by Rich H
Same here. Follow the order in the book as a guideline and nothing else. If it makes sense to approach in a different order and allow for undertakings to affect the cost of purchasing skills, etc then I allow it.

Re: Mixing up Fellowship Phase steps

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:30 am
by Winterwolf
It all seems to make sense.
I remember having this dilemma previously and coming across an obvious situation where it should be allowed but I couldn't remember the situation.
Robin's example of opening a Sanctuary was the situation that I had previously come across.
Thanks Robin!

It is interesting that the Fellowship Phase steps are stated fairly rigidly but don't always work well if followed.
Can there be a reason to stick to that order in particular situations, I wonder?