Elfcrusher wrote:That's why I like the house rule about max tengwars (1 in def, 2 in open, 3 in def). Until higher levels you rarely get more than one anyway, so it doesn't really kick in until the stance problem does.Corvo wrote:Hi Robin!Robin Smallburrow wrote:Although they are not in my 'house rules' doc as I'm still tinkering with them, i basically give characters in Forward stance more 'attack options' (including multiple attacks) and Defensive stance more defensive options, treating Open as the 'mean or average'.
Just a note: if you give more options to forward and defensive stance, you are (comparatively) weakening the open stance (less options, less bonus, less useful). If the open stance has to be the "average or mean", you should give some malus to the other stances ("you got this bonus BUT at the price of that malus...")
Well, probably you are already aware of this, but that was the first problem I encountered when devising my house-rules
In response to "OPEN" stance being on the light side of having benefits, in addition to the 1x, 2x, 3x BODY for tengwar runes, I propose the following benefit for Open Stance...
WHEN in OPEN STANCE, you have the ability to change the target of your attack after FORWARD stance attacks are resolved.
NORMAL: Engagements are determined before a round of attacks are resolved.
(If a fwd and a open stance combatant were attacking the same creature, and fwd stance character dispatches it on his turn, the open stance fighter loses his turn so-to-speak).
The logic behind this is: Fwd stance is aggressively going after one guy - he cannot change this target due to single-minded focus. The Defensive stance is trying desperately to back-up, duck behind cover, etc to keep his assailant at swords reach or more from him; should his target fall, all the better. IN Open Stance, a person is not fully committed to one fighting style or another and buys just enough of a delay to alternate his target.
This coupled with being allowed 2 Tengwars vs 1 in defense, should provide just enough of an incentive to use that stance as frequently.
As usual, YMMV, and you're certainly under no obligation to agree with my assessments or suggestions.