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Favored ability scores

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:25 pm
by Valdur
Aside from being able to use a hope point on a favored skill or specifically where it is written in certain abilities what benefit are favored ability scores? When attacking with a favored weapon and using a hope point do you add the favored bonus? Or when you roll a Tengwar rune do you add the favored? Can you add your favored WITS to your parry?

Re: Favored ability scores

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:49 pm
by Yusei
When you spend Hope on a favoured skill, you add your favoured attribute.
Nothing special happens when you run a tengwar rune on a favoured skill roll (but it's still a great or extraordinary success)
You don't add your favoured Wits to your parry score, unless you have a virtue or cultural blessing that says so.