Smart Orcs and their Siege Equipment
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 6:04 pm
After watching The Hobbit a couple years ago, I was somewhat fascinated by the Erudite language of the Goblin King. So I posted to the tolkien society list asking about this possibility of an educated Goblin/Orc and here was the reply;
This is all just conjecture, but for me; the great goblin was one of the first Uruk-hai. He might have gotten an education in the likes of Umbar, or Gundabad or any other far off place controlled by Sauronic agents.
So this got me thinking and I came to this obvious conclusions, Orcs are just as intelligent as men, and their ilk construct siege engines, fortresses and use other technological tools to achieve their master's ends.
Such Devices and architecture require many disciplines, at least the knowledge of fundamental math and rudimentary physics and the ability to draw up plans for such things.
The reason I am bringing this up is I am writing up a scenario where there is just such an educated Orc Chieftain. In my scenario He has ambitions of one day sacking Azanulinbar-Dum, which is now lightly manned.
In a hidden valley of the Iron Hills he is building an army and prototyping siege equipment for this purpose. So he has drawn up plans for several devices.
One device he has already built, and is used as a defensive piece. You see, unfortunately for him a Cold Drake periodically raids his hold, so he has constructed a ballista to keep it at bay.
The scenario involves the fellowship thwarting his plans, but It would be possible for this ballista to be brought to bear against the fellowship should they try to storm his Hold.
I have some ideas but I fall short in being able to spec out this piece for game play. In my mind it should be a very dangerous obstacle.
I thought of just having it as a plot device that gets fired at them but never hits, but we roll openly at the table and if I rolled real good they would not respect dangerous things like this in the future lol
Does anyone wish to help designing this piece of artillery? Here are a couple ideas I have;
* The skill of the artilleryman firing the piece would matter in its accuracy.
* It takes two to operate.
* Due to the distance of ground the fellowship would have to cover before within the minimum range, Opening volleys would allow 2 shots if the first volley were a great success or better.
* Thereafter it would always fire every other round due to reload time. It would take four turns to cover the approach(due to difficult terrain), so at max it would get 4 shots
* Wound automatically on a successful hit unless an Extraordinary Success on Protection were made. Even then the victim would be rendered Weary.
Any thoughts are welcome and respected
After watching The Hobbit a couple years ago, I was somewhat fascinated by the Erudite language of the Goblin King. So I posted to the tolkien society list asking about this possibility of an educated Goblin/Orc and here was the reply;
This is all just conjecture, but for me; the great goblin was one of the first Uruk-hai. He might have gotten an education in the likes of Umbar, or Gundabad or any other far off place controlled by Sauronic agents.
So this got me thinking and I came to this obvious conclusions, Orcs are just as intelligent as men, and their ilk construct siege engines, fortresses and use other technological tools to achieve their master's ends.
Such Devices and architecture require many disciplines, at least the knowledge of fundamental math and rudimentary physics and the ability to draw up plans for such things.
The reason I am bringing this up is I am writing up a scenario where there is just such an educated Orc Chieftain. In my scenario He has ambitions of one day sacking Azanulinbar-Dum, which is now lightly manned.
In a hidden valley of the Iron Hills he is building an army and prototyping siege equipment for this purpose. So he has drawn up plans for several devices.
One device he has already built, and is used as a defensive piece. You see, unfortunately for him a Cold Drake periodically raids his hold, so he has constructed a ballista to keep it at bay.
The scenario involves the fellowship thwarting his plans, but It would be possible for this ballista to be brought to bear against the fellowship should they try to storm his Hold.
I have some ideas but I fall short in being able to spec out this piece for game play. In my mind it should be a very dangerous obstacle.
I thought of just having it as a plot device that gets fired at them but never hits, but we roll openly at the table and if I rolled real good they would not respect dangerous things like this in the future lol
Does anyone wish to help designing this piece of artillery? Here are a couple ideas I have;
* The skill of the artilleryman firing the piece would matter in its accuracy.
* It takes two to operate.
* Due to the distance of ground the fellowship would have to cover before within the minimum range, Opening volleys would allow 2 shots if the first volley were a great success or better.
* Thereafter it would always fire every other round due to reload time. It would take four turns to cover the approach(due to difficult terrain), so at max it would get 4 shots
* Wound automatically on a successful hit unless an Extraordinary Success on Protection were made. Even then the victim would be rendered Weary.
Any thoughts are welcome and respected