Campaign Arc - Request for advice
Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:39 pm
I have been pondering a home-grown campaign arc and have come up with a basic outline but my Tolkein-fu is weak so I'd value any advice on tying things more closely to the world.
I am keen to showcase the journey mechanisms and a traditional fantasy trope with this strength would be hunting for the parts of a magical MacGuffin (a la Rod of the Seven Parts), so I thought I'd go with that but with a little twist.
Here's what I have so far,
King Dain has discovered a ritual amongst the ancient records buried in Smaug's horde which would allow him the re-ignite the The Great Forge of Erebor. This would be a big boost to his prestige and draw smiths from across the dwarven world. The problem is that the ritual requires the participation of the whole High Council of the Kingdom Under the Mountain. Seats on the council are hereditary rights of the senior families in the city but not all the families have returned. Dain could appoint new members in their place but it's 1) time consuming, 2) dwarves are notoriously prideful, if one of the deposed families were to subsequently re-appear the resulting feud would last milenia 3) once it became known that Dain was looking to add new members to the council, the in-fighting to claim the seats might threaten the stability of his new kingdom. So Dain needs to find the missing families preferably without it becoming public knowledge that he's looking - hence a small group of outsiders employed to follow up leads and consult with other communities in the search of news.
Four potential families I had thought of were
1) family still in the Iron Hills, but the clan elder hates Dain for some childhood slight - the party need to learn the cause and heal the rift
2) family retreated to a hidden fastness and are now besieged by orcs completely cut off from news of the outside world - the party needs to escort the survivors to safety
3) family corrupted by the shadow and worked the forges of Dol Guldor -could go lots of ways, perhaps an younger son is still pure and the party can remove the corrupted elders, maybe the family are serving to protect hostages etc.(Maybe fled to a lesser fastness after the necromancer left.)
4) family are destroyed and goblins now infest their hold - the party need to recover proof of their fate. Also the vacancy might allow promotion for a dwarf PC
Any suggestions of good locations, family names, other family fates or any other suggestions would be gratefully received.
I am keen to showcase the journey mechanisms and a traditional fantasy trope with this strength would be hunting for the parts of a magical MacGuffin (a la Rod of the Seven Parts), so I thought I'd go with that but with a little twist.
Here's what I have so far,
King Dain has discovered a ritual amongst the ancient records buried in Smaug's horde which would allow him the re-ignite the The Great Forge of Erebor. This would be a big boost to his prestige and draw smiths from across the dwarven world. The problem is that the ritual requires the participation of the whole High Council of the Kingdom Under the Mountain. Seats on the council are hereditary rights of the senior families in the city but not all the families have returned. Dain could appoint new members in their place but it's 1) time consuming, 2) dwarves are notoriously prideful, if one of the deposed families were to subsequently re-appear the resulting feud would last milenia 3) once it became known that Dain was looking to add new members to the council, the in-fighting to claim the seats might threaten the stability of his new kingdom. So Dain needs to find the missing families preferably without it becoming public knowledge that he's looking - hence a small group of outsiders employed to follow up leads and consult with other communities in the search of news.
Four potential families I had thought of were
1) family still in the Iron Hills, but the clan elder hates Dain for some childhood slight - the party need to learn the cause and heal the rift
2) family retreated to a hidden fastness and are now besieged by orcs completely cut off from news of the outside world - the party needs to escort the survivors to safety
3) family corrupted by the shadow and worked the forges of Dol Guldor -could go lots of ways, perhaps an younger son is still pure and the party can remove the corrupted elders, maybe the family are serving to protect hostages etc.(Maybe fled to a lesser fastness after the necromancer left.)
4) family are destroyed and goblins now infest their hold - the party need to recover proof of their fate. Also the vacancy might allow promotion for a dwarf PC
Any suggestions of good locations, family names, other family fates or any other suggestions would be gratefully received.