Running a campaign with just the published adventures

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Re: Running a campaign with just the published adventures

Post by Mim » Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:20 pm

If you decide to delete or alter an adventure (as already recommended), you may want to take a look at Andrew's comment here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=909
Andrew wrote:Incidentally, this is a prime example of how you can weave other adventures into The Darkening of Mirkwood - I'm sure you'll all recognise it as Don't Leave the Path, from Tales from Wilderland. I've just tweaked the opening of it somewhat.

I've not decided whether to use any of the other adventures yet, but I'll likely see where the company end up next.
In addition, Rich H. wrote a great adventure that links some of the ones you're interested in, & helps you take your heroes across Wilderland (it's in his sig):

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Re: Running a campaign with just the published adventures

Post by Corvo » Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:04 am

farinal wrote:
Corvo wrote:The Darkening of Mirkwood got A LOT of material.
I started Tales from the Wilderland, but I found the final adventure is difficult to fit in the DoM continuity, so I'm dropping it.

"Don't Leave the Path" and "Of Leaves and...", on the other hand, are easy to fit in any campaign.
I haven't bought the DoM, waiting for hardcopy to come out but I will be playing the final adventure soon. Why is it difficult to fit in DoM continuity?
The main problem (imo) is the big bad Raenar (spelling?).
Another of his kind crop up in DoM, and I think that two of THAT kind are too much in the same campaign.
They are... Trivialized? Not sure it's the right word, but maybe you can understand what I mean.

Another "problem", -again imo- is that, if the Gibbet King manage to bring in such a power, what should Sauron bring on the Heroes? Because in DoM you are against Sauron's machinations, enacted by his most faithful.
In other words, the Gibbet King can steal the show from the big bad of DoM.

DoM presents a slow but steady escalation in the shadow's power. But once you defeat Raenar... really what can you worry about? Raenar (and his kind) is a climax to a campaign imo. Starting DoM after defeating him is a bit, well, anticlimatic to me.

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Re: Running a campaign with just the published adventures

Post by Mim » Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:30 pm

Corvo wrote:Raenar (and his kind) is a climax to a campaign imo. Starting DoM after defeating him is a bit, well, anticlimatic to me.
Yes, dragons can certainly seem that way, & properly played, they should be nearly invincible & likely a TPK. That said, however, Tolkien did note:

"But there were dragons in the wastes beyond..."

So, their plural gives us the opportunity to add one or two beyond Smaug & have fun with 'em. If someone doesn't feel they're balanced, they can always delete 'em, though most players relish facing a dragon at some point :) .

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Re: Running a campaign with just the published adventures

Post by Corvo » Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:59 pm

Mim, you are certainly right. But my problems aren't about tpk or such.
My problem is a narrative one: climax, sense of accomplishment... Sense of proportion :D

After you slay a dragon you are one of the great warriors of Middle-earth history.
After you slay two you can look upon Thranduil or Gandalf and say "hi, old chap. We are... Two to zero, am I correct? Now do you need my help with that Werewolf or can you manage it alone? Come on, at least this one! They used to tell you were cool..."
This is anticlimatic to me 8-) :D

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Re: Running a campaign with just the published adventures

Post by Angelalex242 » Tue Apr 01, 2014 5:19 pm

Gandalf comes back with:Okay, smartass, follow me to Moria... ;)

There's nastier things then Dragons around, and don't ever forget it...

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Re: Running a campaign with just the published adventures

Post by Yusei » Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:58 pm

Corvo wrote:After you slay a dragon you are one of the great warriors of Middle-earth history.
I don't think they're supposed to slay any dragon in TfW. My group didn't even try. On the other hand, I agree with you than merging the two campaigns poses some narrative problems.

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