Resisting Poison

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Resisting Poison

Post by Jmd » Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:43 pm

So I have poured over the Adventurer's and the Loremaster's books. I have read as much as I could find on this forum and have done half a dozen Google searches and I just can't figure out how this system handles resisting poison.

There are rules for when a foe attacks with poison such as a spider or a poisoned orc blade. And there are rules that tell you what happens when you are poisoned (similar to a wound). But nothing that tells me what to do if a PC drinks a poisoned wine flask.

I am sure I'm missing something obvious, but so far it's escaping me. Mind giving me a hand?

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Re: Resisting Poison

Post by Aashdallar » Sat Apr 05, 2014 12:17 am

As far as I'm concerned, poison is not "resisted". At least not with a roll. If you are in contact with poison, you are poisoned (stinged by a spider or with orc poison, for instance). Then, you have to be treated with a remedy (craft roll with knowledge of herbs and stuff). There are abilities (traits) for that, too. Also, poisons wear off with time (each has its own duration).

I think most poisons start their effects in a number of rounds that depend on the character's body or heart. That is the resisting part. If you have high body, the poison you might survive the combat before that nasty thing starts affecting you.

Take this one, for instance:
*Orc-poison: a poisoned character becomes partially blind after a number of rounds equal to his Body or Heart rating, whichever is higher, in addition to suffering from the normal effects of being Poisoned (see Chapter Four
of the Adventurer’s Book). A blinded character in combat must assume a defensive stance and suffers a modifier
of +6 to the TN of all actions. The effects of Orc-poison wear off after one full day.

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