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Re: Counting arrows?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 1:32 am
by zedturtle
Yep, I am the same as DavetheLost, but I have warned my players that if they find themselves in a situation where its reasonable that they wouldn't be able to easily recover/repair/create arrows then the calculator will come out and we will track ammo expenditures at that point.

Re: Counting arrows?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:23 pm
by Elmoth
We do not count these. For us TOR is not a game of small scale logistics (there are other games for that).

Re: Counting arrows?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:14 pm
by Dunheved
Elmoth wrote:We do not count these. For us TOR is not a game of small scale logistics (there are other games for that).

Heartily agree, Elmoth. It just doesn't take that long to knock up a reasonable arrow to be bothered with keeping accounts, I just would not go there.

On the other hand a suitable Craft skill (Woodsmith? Metalworking?) or visiting a speciality fletching shop in say, Dale, might mean you could spend some hard-earned Treasure 'acquiring' Superior arrows. I'm thinking longer range; or higher Injury TN arrows - some quality ammunition. Such arrows would be worth keeping a tally of.
(Anyone for a Black Arrow? :arrow: )

Re: Counting arrows?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:28 pm
by Rich H
DavetheLost wrote:I don't bother with having my archers track arrow consumption in most cases. I figure they are making replacements, carrying spares, and recovering spent arrows as needed.
zedturtle wrote:Yep, I am the same as DavetheLost, but I have warned my players that if they find themselves in a situation where its reasonable that they wouldn't be able to easily recover/repair/create arrows then the calculator will come out and we will track ammo expenditures at that point.
Those are also decent options as an alternative to tracking specific amounts.

Re: Counting arrows?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:59 pm
by Evening
We keep track of arrows. My kingdom for a horse, and all that.
Dunheved wrote:
Elmoth wrote:We do not count these. For us TOR is not a game of small scale logistics (there are other games for that).

Heartily agree, Elmoth. It just doesn't take that long to knock up a reasonable arrow to be bothered with keeping accounts, I just would not go there.
Everyone's game is different, but I would counter this with using that same reasoning, it doesn't take that long to knock up a reasonable spear to be bothered with keeping accounts. Just go cut a sapling and sharpen the end and you have a spear that does the same damaged as old Dori's steel tipped spear. Or does it? (I think the answer is 'no'.)

Because essentially out 'in the field' that's what you are doing if you're 'crafting' an arrow. You're cutting green wood to tie on an arrowhead and then fletching it (with the glue and feathers you happen to carrying around) so that it flies in at least halfway straight path.

I like the idea of characters crafting their own arrows but I don't care for the idea of them doing it while humping the back 40 of Middle-Earth, at least not without some downtime and proper tools.

Re: Counting arrows?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:38 pm
by Elmoth
The point was not that. The point was that the game was not about micromanagement of limited resources. Well, it is but resources of another kind (Hope, fatigue). I find counting arrows and torches to be one of the dullest things ever, and try to avoid such games. TOR is not designed following this pattern and I am extremley grateful for it. We would not play it if it was.

Re: Counting arrows?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:31 pm
by Evening
Elmoth wrote:The point was not that. The point was that the game was not about micromanagement of limited resources.
Like I said, everyone's game is different. We've always kept track of such things so there was no need to stop for TOR. It's cold and raining and you're crouched in the mud watching the orcs scramble up the hill towards you. This is their second attempt.

And none of you have any arrows left. Fun times.

Re: Counting arrows?

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:11 am
by Looping
Well, the atmosphere of the game does not exactly lend itself to micromanaging, BUT I like to put my players/characters on the edge so I could see telling a player (after they have used their bow a few times) that they are running low on arrows. Then, the next time they roll an eye on the feat die, they are effectively out of arrows.

This is just an alternative to counting arrows. If you want to have a better idea of how many arrows are left at any time you can consider that a quiver holds 12 -20 arrows. Whenever a character fires an arrow and has the opportunity to recover it, he/she has a 50% chance that the arrow is still useable. I believe this rule comes from Warhammer fantasy RPG (unless the person I played with made it up). Knowing you have only 2 arrows left can be great for the story: Think Resident Evil when you have only a few bullets left!

Re: Counting arrows?

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 7:44 pm
by Dunheved
[quote="Looping"]Well, the atmosphere of the game does not exactly lend itself to micromanaging, BUT I like to put my players/characters on the edge so I could see telling a player (after they have used their bow a few times) that they are running low on arrows. Then, the next time they roll an eye on the feat die, they are effectively out of arrows.

Nice one Looping!
I really like the posts on this forum. Your suggestion of ""Rolling the EYE is a simple and flexible way to bring in the idea of 'low ammunition' if the LM feels that it is pertinent. I am kicking myself for not being that sensible.

Really guys - can I thank anyone who contributes to this forum?
Even the ideas that I find I am in disagreement with have been thought provoking. I've altered my view on several occasions and continue to do so. Thanks to anyone who has put their view.

Re: Counting arrows?

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:29 pm
by DavetheLost
I think the notion of being out of arrows on an Eye result is a simple one and should work well in practice.