Since I don't want to let any solution unexplored, I tried to discover if the old proposal by Yepesnopes can work
[Spoiler: maybe Yepesnopes has hit the nail in the head]
His proposal was fairly simple, yet got sense. Here it is:
Yepesnopes wrote:I am not in favour of the reduction damage house rules.
(...) In any case, I understand people want to make armours more relevant during combat. Why not just then reduce ALL weapons (PC and NPC) pierce value by 1?
Since I cannot add “keen” to the monster's weapons, I pitted the same Hero 18 times against an Orc. First against an Orc wielding an Axe (Edge “Eye”), with armour 0, 1d, 2d etc, for a total of 6 times.
Then I made the same against an Orc wielding a Sword (Edge 10), and against an Orc wielding a Spear (Edge 9).
The rational is that we can see the different effect of armour against different edges.
The result?
Against Edge “Eye” and Edge 10, the best way to win is going naked. Every die of armour lowers your chance to win.
Against Edge 9 the armour got some beneficial effect: Armour 2d yelds the best result, 1d or 3d is less effective, 0d or 4d is even worst, let alone 5d. Apparently 2d is the sweetspot against the orcish spear, that got Injury 12. I imagine that against an edge of, say, 14 or 16, 3d armour is better.
What does that say to us?
Once you reach Edge 9 armour got some sense. Going naked is still a fair option, but some armour is better.
Probably armour is very good against Edge 8 (that doesn't exist unless you take keen on a Spear).
Against Edge 10 armour is detrimental to character survival.
Against Edge 12 armour is a way to hamstring Heroes.
I think that the prevalence of Edge 12 weapons among the monsters is something that makes armour an hindrance.
If all the Edge were raised by 1 point, maybe we will solve the armour conundrum: Armour would become essential against Edge 8, average against Edge 9, an hindrance against Edge 10 (ie axes and trollish clubs).
Pretty balanced, isn't it?
More common wounding is a way to make armour more useful (Michebugio reached the same conclusion in another thread about the King's Sword): that raise the lethality of the game, but I think that this is a way to save the combat system without changing to much rules.
What do you think?
Elfcrusher, can you adapt the simulator to check this idea?