Female: Adaldrida, Adamanta, Amaranth, Angelica, Asphodel, Belba, Bell, Belladonna, Berylla, Camellia, Celandine, Chica, Daisy, Diamond, Donnamira, Dora, Eglantine, Elanor, Esmeralda, Estella, Fíriel, Fosco, Gilly, Goldilocks, Hanna, Hilda, Hildigard, Hugo, Lalia, Laura, Lily, Lily, Linda, Lobelia, Malva, Marigold, May, Melilot, Menegilda, Mentha, Mimosa, Mirabella, Myrtle, Pansy, Pearl, Peony, Pervinca, Pimpernel, Poppy, Primrose, Primula, Prisca, Rosa, Rosamunda, Rose, Rowan, Ruby, Salvia, Tanta
Male: Adalgrim, Adelard, Andwise, Balbo, Bandobras, Bilbo, Bilbo, Bill, Bingo, Blanco, Bob, Bodo, Bowman, Bucca, Bungo, Carl, Cotman, Cottar, Daddy, Déagol, Dinodas, Doderic, Dodinas, Drogo, Dudo, Elfstan, Erling, Everard, Falco, Faramir, Fastolph, Fastred, Ferdibrand, Ferdinand, Ferumbras, Ferumbras, Filibert, Flambard, Folco, Fortinbras, Fortinbras, Fredegar, Frodo, Frodo, Gerontius, Gorbadoc, Gorbulas, Gorhendad, Gormadoc, Griffo, Halfast, Halfred, Halfred, Halfred, Hamfast, Hamfast, Hamfast, Hamson, Harding, Hending, Hildibrand, Hildifons, Hildigrim, Hob, Hob, Hobson, Holfast, Holman, Holman, Holman, Hugo, Ilberic, Isembard, Isembold, Isengar, Isengrim, Isengrim, Isumbras, Isumbras, Jolly, Largo, Longo, Lotho, Madoc, Marcho, Marmadas, Marmadoc, Marroc, Meriadoc, Merimac, Merimas, Merry, Milo, Minto, Moro, Mosco, Mungo, Nob, Odo, Odovacar, Olo, Orgulas, Otho, Paladin, Peregrin, Pippin, Polo, Ponto, Porto, Posco, Reginard, Robin, Robin, Rorimac, Rudigar, Rufus, Sadoc, Samwise, Sancho, Saradas, Saradoc, Seredic, Sigismond, Sméagol, Ted, Tobold, Togo, Tolman, Tolman, Tolman, Wilcome, Wilcome, Wilibald, Will, Wiseman
Nicknames/Bynames: Andy, Broadbelt, Bullroarer, Cock-robin, Deepdelver, Farmer, Fatty, Ham/Gaffer/Old, Headstrong, Jolly, Long Hom, Masterful, Merry, Muddy-feet, Nibs, Nick, Old Gammidgy, Old Rory, Old Toby, Pimple, Pippin, Proudneck, Roper, Rosie, Sam, Scattergold, theFair, thegreenhanded, The Old, Tom, Tom, Will, Young Tom
Family Names: "of Long Cleeve", Baggins, Baggins, Banks,Boffin, Bolger, Bracegirdle, Brandybuck, Brown, Brownlock, Bunce, Burrows, Butcher, Chubb, Chubb-Baggins, Clayhanger, Cotton, Fairbairn, Fallohide, Gamgee, Gammidge, Gamwich, Gardner, Goldworthy, Goodbody, Goodchild, Goold, Greenhand, Grubb, Hayward, Hornblower, of Gamwich, of Greenholm, Maggot, Oldbuck, Proudfoot, Roper, Rumble, Sackville, Sackville-Baggins, Sandyman, Smallburrow, Took, Twofoot, Whitfoot, "of the Marish"
Female: Dís
Male: Azaghâl, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Borin, Dáin, Dori, Durin, Dwalin, Farin, Fíli, Flói, Frár, Frerin, Frór, Fundin, [Gamil], Gamil Zirak, Gimli, Glóin, Glóin, Gróin, Grór, Ibûn, Khîm, Kíli, Lóni, Mîm, Náin, Náli, Nár, Narvi, Nori, Óin, Ori, Telchar, Thorin, Thráin, Thrór, [Zirak]
Nickname/byname: Ironfoot, the Deathless, the Last, Oakenshield, Stonehelm, son of ___
Hobbit Names list
Re: Hobbit Names list
I think you should remove Elanor from the list of Hobbit female names. I know that Sam's firstborn was called Elanor, but that's a elven name that he picked up in Lorien. Before the War of the Ring there was (I think) no character named like that in the Shire.
"What is the point of having free will if one cannot occasionally spit in the eye of destiny?" ("Gentleman" John Marcone)
- Posts: 370
- Joined: Wed May 15, 2013 1:11 am
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