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[Roll20] TOR Dice Monger v1.0

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:30 am
by Heilemann
For those of you who, like me, play using Roll20, here's an API script I dubbed TOR Dice Monger ( that'll check for success and failure (preferably against a supplied TN).

It looks like this:


Re: [Roll20] TOR Dice Monger v1.0

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:32 am
by Heilemann
It doesn't currently know the difference between companion and a foe however, so it won't use The Eye as a success when your orcs are attacking; I'll have to figure out what to do there, but for now you can ignore that rule, and let the Orcs succeed on Gandalf's Rune as well.

It also doesn't allow for rolling two Feat dice and picking high or low I don't think; that'll come later.

Re: [Roll20] TOR Dice Monger v1.0

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:29 am
by Hermes Serpent
That's great. One issue though, doesn't the second roll, where there is an Eye plus 5, 4 and 6, still count as a success as the total is still over 14 even with the Eye counting zero?

Re: [Roll20] TOR Dice Monger v1.0

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 12:08 pm
by Heilemann
As I understand it, and I didn't look it up just now so I might be wrong, the eye is always a failure, and the rune is always a success.

Re: [Roll20] TOR Dice Monger v1.0

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 12:26 pm
by Hermes Serpent
AB p25
The Eye icon is considered to be the lowest result possible
on the Feat die. Under most circumstances, when the Feat
die comes up showing the Eye icon, the die counts as

In the preceding paragraph it specifically calls out a Gandalf as a success even if the die roll including the maximum value for the Gandalf doesn't meet the TN.

(Note the lowest value as called for by the Eye when rolled by a Hero should technically be a 1 as that is the lowest value shown. The highest value for a Gandalf should be a 10 but it's a D12 YMMV)

The implication, by omission, is that the dice total for the Feat die and success dice must meet the TN unless it's a roll for a Hero in which case a Gandalf trumps the need for a total meeting the TN.

I might have to look at the Macros in my Roll20 campaign to see how they are set up :-(

Edit: I just checked the Macros on roll20 and amended them to show 1 as the lowest possible roll on the rollable tables in the wiki, the max values were already set to 10.

Re: [Roll20] TOR Dice Monger v1.0

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:53 pm
by Heilemann
Here's the full text from p25:
The Feat die is a special 12-sided die that is used every time the game requires a die roll. It has been customised to produce numerical values ranging from 1 to 10, and features two special icons - a Gandalf rune and the Eye of Sauron. The two icons are normally read as follows:

The Gandalf rune is considered to be the highest result obtainable on the die. When the die comes up showing the Gandalf rune, the action succeeds, whether the total result of the roll was enough to match or beat the TN set for the roll or not.

The Eye icon is considered to be the lowest result possible on the Feat die. Under most circumstances, when the Feat die comes up showing the Eye icon, the die counts as zero.
So yeah, I've changed the script, because what this says is that a Gandalf rune is an automatic success, regardless of Success Dice and Target Number. But the Eye is not an automatic failure, it's just equal to rolling a zero.