It looks like this:
So yeah, I've changed the script, because what this says is that a Gandalf rune is an automatic success, regardless of Success Dice and Target Number. But the Eye is not an automatic failure, it's just equal to rolling a zero.The Feat die is a special 12-sided die that is used every time the game requires a die roll. It has been customised to produce numerical values ranging from 1 to 10, and features two special icons - a Gandalf rune and the Eye of Sauron. The two icons are normally read as follows:
The Gandalf rune is considered to be the highest result obtainable on the die. When the die comes up showing the Gandalf rune, the action succeeds, whether the total result of the roll was enough to match or beat the TN set for the roll or not.
The Eye icon is considered to be the lowest result possible on the Feat die. Under most circumstances, when the Feat die comes up showing the Eye icon, the die counts as zero.
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