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Elfcrusher's Combat Simulator

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 7:02 pm
by Glorelendil
I've been fielding feature requests, and posting updates, in various threads, so I figured I should consolidate it in one place.

Here's the link to the simulator:

And here's the link to the source code, for those of you who enjoy digging through that sort of thing:

If you want to contribute, the following would be helpful:
1) Look for bugs, either in the source code or by running fights one at a time and analyzing the output logs.
2) Proof-read monster stats to make sure there aren't any typos.
3) Suggest new rules for the "tactics" section.
4) Somebody please come up with a layout that makes this app better organized. If you have .css skills you'd like to contribute, even better.
5) Request unimplemented features.

I'll post to this thread when features are added or bugs are fixed, but most recent changes:
- Added "Yepesnopes' Rule" to house rules (reduces all Edge ratings by 1)
- "Bite Their Kneecaps Off" to tactics, as per Rich H's. request (switch to Forward stance when Weary)
- Finally got around to enabling Favoured Armor for adversaries. It's displayed both as underline in monster stats and by showing attribute level as protection bonus, e.g. 4d +6. (Only updated adversaries in the LM Guide; will get around to other source materials as time permits.)

Re: Elfcrusher's Combat Simulator

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 8:11 pm
by Corvo
Elfcrusher, I ask for a clarification:

in attack rolls, what are "A" and "F"?
I think that A is rolling a 12 (Gandalf for the hero, Eye for the monster),
but what is F?

Re: Elfcrusher's Combat Simulator

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 8:26 pm
by Glorelendil
Corvo wrote:Elfcrusher, I ask for a clarification:

in attack rolls, what are "A" and "F"?
I think that A is rolling a 12 (Gandalf for the hero, Eye for the monster),
but what is F?
Oh, sorry. A = Automatic. F = Failure. Displays that instead of the dice total, because it makes the total irrelevant. I had thought that a Sauron is always an automatic failure, but in another thread I read that I may be mistaken about that. Is a Sauron an automatic failure or isn't it?

And thanks for taking the time to read the combat log looking for errors. <3

By the way, for simplicity I didn't reverse Gandalf and Eye for monsters. Statistically irrelevant, so I ignored it.

EDIT: Egads, I just looked up the rule and I was wrong. Unless a rule specifically states otherwise, an Eye is just a zero.

EDIT: Fixed. Please stress test this. It was only two edits (one for the numerical result, one for the string representation) but my code is such a mess at this point that it may have broken something else.

EDIT: And in testing that I realized that my favoured armor fix was still buggy. I had tested it with monsters that HAVE favoured armor, but didn't test it against monsters that do not. It was giving everybody the bonus. Should be good now.

Re: Elfcrusher's Combat Simulator

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 8:39 pm
by Corvo
Ok, I was suspecting it was the 11=auto failure.
I'll check it again as soon as I can ;)

Re: Elfcrusher's Combat Simulator

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 10:13 pm
by Glorelendil
Added "Tomfish's Rule": when Wounded, roll Feat die twice and take worse result.

Re: Elfcrusher's Combat Simulator

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 3:44 pm
by Corvo
Elfcrusher, I re-checked the simulator and found results far different than, say, 2 days ago. Then I noticed that in the log there is nothing about the Hero being weary even if he should be.

Is weary not reported in the log (ie invisible)?
Or is the "weary" condition victim of some mishap?

Re: Elfcrusher's Combat Simulator

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 6:33 pm
by Glorelendil
Corvo wrote:Elfcrusher, I re-checked the simulator and found results far different than, say, 2 days ago. Then I noticed that in the log there is nothing about the Hero being weary even if he should be.

Is weary not reported in the log (ie invisible)?
Or is the "weary" condition victim of some mishap?
I'll check; thank you.

Re: Elfcrusher's Combat Simulator

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 8:20 pm
by Glorelendil
Maybe I misunderstood. It didn't ever announce "Hero is weary!"; you just would see it in the dice rolls. I checked and I think that's still working correctly.

Re: Elfcrusher's Combat Simulator

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 4:41 pm
by Glorelendil
Added "Travel Fatigue" option to Match Settings. Lets you add penalty fatigue to your hero (in increments of 4) which is handy for figuring out just how penalizing fatigue points are.

Re: Elfcrusher's Combat Simulator

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 6:24 pm
by Glorelendil
Added "Elfcrusher's Rule" (yay! I finally get my own) as per this post.

To wit: armor endurance accrues while traveling due to failed Athletics checks. So for the purposes of the sim enabling this rule sets armor endurance (but not shield, helm, or weapon) to zero. If you want to add in fatigue from travel, there is a separate option under Match Settings for Travel Fatigue.

In the scenarios I tried the increase in win rates is noticeable but not dramatic. A few percentage points. It's more significant with low weapon skill, as one would predict.