Re: Passing down Cultural Rewards to other Cultures?
Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 12:01 pm
I have a simple solution that resolves a lot of these issues that I already loosely run as a 'house rule', although perhaps some are not going to agree with me, namely that i don't give 'complete plot immunity' to Rewards anyway!
When a player in my campaign designs a character with a Reward, I explain to them that their sword, weapon etc. is valuable and as a result will not be as easily broken, damaged etc. as a sword that they 'bought' with treasure, but that does not mean that they can then treat their Reward with impunity, assuming it will always 'be there'! I find if LM's have this attitude from the start, then players won't be so pushy or demanding about gaining other Rewards etc.
Robin S.
When a player in my campaign designs a character with a Reward, I explain to them that their sword, weapon etc. is valuable and as a result will not be as easily broken, damaged etc. as a sword that they 'bought' with treasure, but that does not mean that they can then treat their Reward with impunity, assuming it will always 'be there'! I find if LM's have this attitude from the start, then players won't be so pushy or demanding about gaining other Rewards etc.
Robin S.