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Re: Character sheet font

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 4:01 pm
by trystero
Elfcrusher wrote:...the Libra font I downloaded from azfonts is different from the Libra that C7 uses.
Maybe I'm seeing a different font: looks like a match to me. Which page are you referring to for the adversary names? I'm looking at the "Orcs" header on p. 70 of the Loremaster's Guide, which is Libra BT: are you talking about, say, the "Great Orcs" sub-header on p. 71? If so, that's the custom aaaor font, not Libra BT.
Elfcrusher wrote:Some community-minded individual should create a resource with all the right fonts (downloadable), explanations of where they are used, and examples (clipped from the books) showing them in situ.
It's an excellent idea: one problem, though, is that not all the fonts are freely available. Libra BT, for instance, is from Bitstream and is not free, as shown on its page on MyFonts or a similar reputable site. (The copies available on azfonts and similar sites are presumably pirated.) And we've already seen in this thread that Tolkienesque isn't free either.

Re: Character sheet font

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 5:46 pm
by aramis
Elfcrusher wrote:
trystero wrote:
Elfcrusher wrote: I think the Stonehenge they're using is a different variant than the one you find on the various font sites. The names of adversaries in the LMs guide use something that looks very similar.
The adversary names I've checked so far (using Acrobat to examine individual characters and blocks of text) are Libra (actually Libra BT), with Ardagh used for the tilde ornaments). But I have spotted Stonehenge: it's used for the running headers (e.g., "Part 4") in the upper page border. I'll update my post accordingly.
If that's true then the Libra font I downloaded from azfonts is different from the Libra that C7 uses.

Some community-minded individual should create a resource with all the right fonts (downloadable), explanations of where they are used, and examples (clipped from the books) showing them in situ.
Some of them are commercial fonts, not free ones.

Also note: it's possible to extract fonts from PDFs. Some fonts are configured so that only the characters used are bound in; others are binding in the whole font.

Re: Character sheet font

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 5:51 pm
by Rich H
Elfcrusher wrote:Some community-minded individual should create a resource with all the right fonts (downloadable), explanations of where they are used, and examples (clipped from the books) showing them in situ.
I posted this:
Rich H wrote:Agreed, here's a link: ... mplate.doc to the structure of what Robin has mentioned above. If you have the appropriate font loaded then the content within it will appear as per the font type that should be used for that particular heading or body of text.
Earlier in the thread. It's what I use for my fan material and results in pretty good looking PDFs.

Re: Character sheet font

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 3:17 am
by Glorelendil
Thanks, Rich. Missed that post earlier. Very helpful.

Anybody know which Wingdings set has the little checkboxes on the character sheet? I faked it by screenshotting the PDF and photoshopping it, but would love to just have a scalable wingding.

EDIT: Just switched my bestiary to Dumbledore and it looks great; matches the adversary names pretty well.

Re: Character sheet font

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 2:19 pm
by trystero
Elfcrusher wrote:Anybody know which Wingdings set has the little checkboxes on the character sheet? I faked it by screenshotting the PDF and photoshopping it, but would love to just have a scalable wingding.
In the copy of Wingdings that came with my Windows 7 installation ("wingding.ttf" file, Wingdings-Regular typeface v5.00), the two checkbox glyphs are 0xB2 (used for Common skill groups) and 0xB3 (used for Common skill ratings): these correspond to the superscript "2" and "3" characters in most fonts.