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Re: Mithril!

Post by Beran » Wed May 21, 2014 5:58 pm

Otaku-sempai wrote:I don't think that mithril should be available to simply purchase because the material is so rare and expensive. Perhaps that might be different in a First or Second Age campaign. In my own opinion, the only ways that a Hero should be able to acquire a mithril item is: 1) it is gifted to him/her for an extraordinary feat, or 2) it is found as treasure. I tend to be against plot immunity for arms and equipment anyway, on general principle.
I completely agree with you.

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Re: Mithril!

Post by Rocmistro » Wed May 21, 2014 6:08 pm

Beran, if you don't want Mithril in your game, then just don't allow Mithril. It's not a big deal. I don't think anyone here is trying to force you to have Mithril in your game, we're just brainstorming ways to implement it for those that do want it.
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Re: Mithril!

Post by Glorelendil » Wed May 21, 2014 6:10 pm

Rocmistro wrote:Beran, if you don't want Mithril in your game, then just don't allow Mithril. It's not a big deal. I don't think anyone here is trying to force you to have Mithril in your game, we're just brainstorming ways to implement it for those that do want it.
Now that that's resolved, next order of business is: Rings of Power.

Virtue? Reward? Hobbits only?

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Re: Mithril!

Post by Beran » Wed May 21, 2014 7:21 pm

Rocmistro wrote:Beran, if you don't want Mithril in your game, then just don't allow Mithril. It's not a big deal. I don't think anyone here is trying to force you to have Mithril in your game, we're just brainstorming ways to implement it for those that do want it.

When did I say I didn't want mithril in my games? I came up with pretty much the first suggestion of how a mithril shirt might work. The only thing I did say was that most of the suggestions, though very good ones, were a little too overly complex, and that I don't particulay think that mithril items should be allowed to suddenly appear in a game. That they should be either gifted (ie Bilbo's shirt) or found treasure (ie Glamdring and Orcrist). Two situations that the game really doesn't allow for.

As to my agreeing with the above post you quoted I can agree with someone's way of thinking without it being my own personal way of thinking.

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Re: Mithril!

Post by aramis » Thu May 22, 2014 6:00 am

Elfcrusher wrote:You know, if we're saying that reward items are plot-proof, then you could fluff weapon qualities by saying that it has nothing to do with the weapon itself, it's the technique of the wielder, perhaps (e.g. in the case of the family heirloom) combined with emotional attachment to the item.
Adjusting encumbrance of armor can be a matter of learning how to adjust it for yourself. Essentially, to borrow a MERP/RM-ism, "Maneuvering in Armor" skill.

Increased damage, decreased edge, or increased injury might be learning fine points of a given blade, or might be connecting with the magic of a given blade. In the latter case, it was always there, but until you connected with it, you couldn't use that magic. Like Frodo learning to use the Orc detection on Sting.

Now, the other thing is that, non-reward magic items can still be treasures - but without the plot-immunity. EG: Sure, you found a magic sword - but the first time you get captured by spiders, they notice it and away it goes.
Elfcrusher wrote:
Rocmistro wrote:Beran, if you don't want Mithril in your game, then just don't allow Mithril. It's not a big deal. I don't think anyone here is trying to force you to have Mithril in your game, we're just brainstorming ways to implement it for those that do want it.
Now that that's resolved, next order of business is: Rings of Power.

Virtue? Reward? Hobbits only?

Neither - found item. I gave an NPC one as a plot point. A minor ring, inspired by an article for MERP in Other Minds... It reduces armor encumbrance by 1 point per die of protection, and reduces the appearance of aging for a long term wearer, but has a side effect (more frequent travel rolls - 1 day less than normal.).

As for Mithril, if I allow it, it will be (unless otherwise enshrined in rules) +1 pip per die, and -2 enc per die, and only for chain.

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Re: Mithril!

Post by Robin Smallburrow » Thu May 22, 2014 11:58 am

Having read a lot of discussion, I think the relevant passages are timely from the rules:

p. 123 of AB: "Rewards are gifts from grateful lords and generous chieftains, trappings of respect that valiant men earn accomplishing memorable deeds.

p.154 of AB:
" is mostly limited to small areas, often practised only among trusted individuals. High quality weapons are considered priceless and are guarded as treasured belongings.. As such, finely crafted weapons or suits of armour cannot be purchased, but may - rarely - be awarded for service or heroic deeds."

and p.155: "Rewards may be tributes given to the hero by his own folk or family, or by a munificent lord honouring an adventurer by letting him choose a weapon or a suit of armour..."

"Rewards are upgrades enhancing the characteristics of the equipment carried by a hero. It is up to a player to decide whether a Reward represents a change in their existing weapon or armour, the discovery of a previously unknown property, or an entirely new item." (my bold emphasis).

"Whatever their choice, players should integrate the decisions into their stories..."

p.156: "Upgraded items enjoy a certain degree of 'plot immunity' - they shouldn't be lost, broken or in anyway taken from a character... OR a hero should at least receive a new object of equivalent worth as a replacement for a lost item...

So I agree with Rocmistro here - I don't mind a PC getting a mithril item if:

a) they can give me a plausible (And Entertaining!) story for how an existing item 'becomes' mithril OR
b) they can give me a plausible (And Entertaining) story about how 'Lord X' valued their services so much that they were given said mithril item as a gift.

keeping in mind the above passages that rewards are hard-earned!!

In regards to finding magical items I would think they are even more rare and hard to justify, but I would wait for the Rivendell supplement to come out first before I give my ideas on this...

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Re: Mithril!

Post by Woodclaw » Thu May 22, 2014 2:40 pm

Mithril is one of those things that I wouldn't like in my games. On one hand it's very iconic of the Middle-Earth, but it's also so rare and valuable that I can hardly envision it as being anything but the final reward for long-serving hero.
There's also one extra element that makes me reluctant to include it: craftmanship. Opposite to other fantasy RPGs (I won't call any names) were all the improvement is strictly magical in nature, in the Middle-Earth a skilled, dedicated or simply mad craftman can create objects that are head and shoulder above the rest and which might become legend in their own right. Just throwing in a super-material cheapens the rpocess since it shifts the focus on the mere material instead of the skill of the craftman.
"What is the point of having free will if one cannot occasionally spit in the eye of destiny?" ("Gentleman" John Marcone)

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