Hate recovery question

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Hate recovery question

Post by trystero » Fri May 09, 2014 5:25 pm

Do adversaries ever recover expended Hate, and if so, how and how quickly? Specifically, if an adversary with the Craven trait flees a battle because its Hate drops to zero and is then encountered again the next day, does it still flee, or has it recovered Hate by that point?

I like the implication from "The Marsh-bell" that Hate loss can linger, but it seems too punitive to make Craven foes flee for the rest of their lives, so I assume Hate eventually comes back. I'm comfortable winging an answer -- maybe one point per night or day's rest? -- but wondered if the question had come up before in discussion (or if I'd managed to miss a rule somewhere).
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Hermes Serpent
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Re: Hate recovery question

Post by Hermes Serpent » Fri May 09, 2014 5:30 pm

No specific rule AFAIK but it's really up to the LM to make any decision about recovery assuming that an adversary returns to the fray at some point in the future.
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Re: Hate recovery question

Post by Michebugio » Fri May 09, 2014 6:04 pm

Be ruthless. Monsters cheat and that is GOOD: they will still be hewed by players, it will only be a bit more difficult. Think about Favored Skills, for instance.

I would allow a COMPLETE recovery of Hate from one battle to another, even if no more than an hour passed between the two.

The Enemy is strong, and the Servants of Sauron are powered and fueled by their own master. Don't go easy on your players: make them spend those damn Hope points :twisted:

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