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Healing herbs and the Market Pool

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 9:21 am
by Hermes Serpent
Yesterday during a Fellowship Phase at Lake Town one of my players asked about spending Treasure to buy herbs at the Market Pool rather than spending time wandering about looking for them as an Undertaking. It seemed to him that getting rid of the Shadow was a more pressing problem but finding something to assist with the Endurance issue would be also very helpful. I had no issue with them choosing a simple 'spend Treasure points' undertaking as well as getting rid of Shadow (they'd accumulated between 3 and 6 in the last adventure in Mirkwood) with Song and Craft.

Spending 2 of their hard-earned Treasure points on things like this seemed an eminently suitable way of relieving them of part of their total of 7 Treasure Points, especially as they have no Standing to increase or maintain (although some fresh Encounters may change their need to boost their Standing).

More closely reviewing the list in the Lake town book today had me thinking. Cram is mentioned, materials for salves and healing from the hospital healer are mentioned, but the players wanted something more in line with Rhadagast's Mirkwood cordial (recover favoured Heart+ D6 Endurance) than a +1 to the skill roll for an indeterminate amount of time as the skill rolls do nothing for regaining Endurance.

Rich H mentions Cram in his Journey's End and Eagles Eyrie adventure and that take on the travel biscuit seemed eminently suitable i.e. +1 to Travel tests on a journey leg when cram is eaten (presumably lembas has a similar effect) so 1 Treasure point for two weeks of cram seems to be the right amount. This wouldn't prevent the company from hunting but will allow them to not be pressurised when forcing a march (+1 to Athletics tests when force marching maybe?) or in Mirkwood and unable to successfully forage for food.

So I'm thinking a hero can spend I point of Treasure to get 2 weeks supply of cram from a baker in Erebor or Lake town. They can spend 1 point of Treasure to purchase herbs/salves from the hospital healers (Reedmace salve sufficient to treat 5 (3?) Wounds or enough White water lily cordial for five (3?) doses to each double Endurance recovery for one rest). I chose only those two types as they seemed most applicable to a hospital's needs. Is five doses to many for 1 Treasure Point compared to other rewards/benefits?

BTW I'm aware of Rich's Herb gathering rules found in his Additional Rules document that are based upon those found in the ICE Hands of the Healer book.

Re: Healing herbs and the Market Pool

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 9:36 am
by Rich H
Hermes Serpent wrote:Rich H mentions Cram in his Journey's End and Eagles Eyrie adventure and that take on the travel biscuit seemed eminently suitable i.e. +1 to Travel tests on a journey leg when cram is eaten (presumably lembas has a similar effect)
Just a point of interest/insight: I had an idea that Lembas would provide a greater benefit when I statted Cram. I went with just a +1 so I had 'somewhere to go' if I ever developed Lembas without making it ridiculously powerful. The +1 bonus for a fairly mundane, albeit tasty, food felt about right.
Hermes Serpent wrote:BTW I'm aware of Rich's Herb gathering rules found in his Additional Rules document that are based upon those found in the ICE Hands of the Healer book.
You could potentially use those listed but have them purchased from the Herbalist. The ones low down each list could be priced at 1 TP whereas the herbs allotted to the higher feat die values (especially the G rune ones) you could price at 2 TP. The herbalist just forages, prepares, and sells what's available after all.

Re: Healing herbs and the Market Pool

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 8:38 pm
by Beran
"I had an idea that Lembas would provide a greater benefit when I statted Cram. I went with just a +1 so I had 'somewhere to go' if I ever developed Lembas without making it ridiculously powerful."

I'm curious about this comment. IIRC, (from MERP) the only advantage Elven Waybread had was that it gave the benefit of 1 months worth of food for 4lbs of weight, as opposed to 1 wks worth of trail rations at 18lbs. What other effects would you give it?

Re: Healing herbs and the Market Pool

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 8:56 pm
by Rich H
Beran wrote:"I had an idea that Lembas would provide a greater benefit when I statted Cram. I went with just a +1 so I had 'somewhere to go' if I ever developed Lembas without making it ridiculously powerful."

I'm curious about this comment. IIRC, (from MERP) the only advantage Elven Waybread had was that it gave the benefit of 1 months worth of food for 4lbs of weight, as opposed to 1 wks worth of trail rations at 18lbs. What other effects would you give it?
Based on the fact that twice-baked honey cakes give the advantages it gives and Cram isn't as nutritional; I'd say if honey cakes provide the advantages that they give then Lembas should offer something as well. Whether it's better than the honey cakes, the same, or worse is open to debate but not following the precedent set by the cakes in the AB would be a missed opportunity in my opinion.