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Re: The One Ring Roleplaying Game

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 6:05 pm
by Hermes Serpent
Explain why you can't use Find on any pdf?

I can't see why using Find on an Index is any easier than using Find on the main file to get every occurrence of what you are looking for.

Re: The One Ring Roleplaying Game

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 8:33 pm
by Glorelendil
I don't find "Find" very useful with the current PDFs because it finds too many results. I usually hit command-shift-G (on a Mac), hit 3 to go to the index, find what I need, then hit command-shift-G again and jump to that page.

Just FYI I fully intend to build my own "smart" index to the new book(s), similar to my Bestiary (in my .sig) that will sift/sort the content in useful ways. I'll have to see how it's organized, but an example will be an entry for just the tables.

Re: The One Ring Roleplaying Game

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 8:48 pm
by Hermes Serpent
What I usually do with RPG books is buy the pdf and then extract the tables and summarise the rule mechanisms onto a number of sheets, print those out and put them in a folder to run from. Effectively I lose the fluff that some of the more modern games are full of and boil it down to the rules. I do keep the full slip-cased set of TOR handy as it looks very nice, but not for actually running the game. I also had a copy shop print and encapsulate a full-size copy of the PDF players map to use without the need to worry about spilled drinks.

Re: The One Ring Roleplaying Game

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 8:56 pm
by trystero
Hermes Serpent wrote:What I usually do with RPG books is buy the pdf and then extract the tables and summarise the rule mechanisms onto a number of sheets
I follow the same basic idea, but for my group I've created a single four-page booklet for play and another for character creation, both formatted along the lines of the excellent Esoteric Order of Gamers boardgame rules summaries.
Hermes Serpent wrote:I also had a copy shop print and encapsulate a full-size copy of the PDF players map to use without the need to worry about spilled drinks.
I hadn't thought about laminating the map: I had my local shop print the players' map onto a heavy canvas-like backing (intended for use in advertising banners) to make a sturdy copy that my players could draw routes on. It's also nice as a prop, since it rolls up.

Re: The One Ring Roleplaying Game

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 9:03 pm
by Hermes Serpent
The encapsulated version allows the players to draw on it and it can then easily be wiped off.

Re: The One Ring Roleplaying Game

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 10:53 pm
by Bram Corolev
Jon Hodgson wrote:Yup, it's Frida. As I mentioned above - it was Frida or Caranthir for that slot, and Frida won on this occasion.
Jon, please if there is anyway you can produce a poster of the cover of this book I would pay whatever you ask. I must have this on the wall in my gameroom. It is the most gorgeous TOR cover art yet and the standard was already set pretty high. I'm sure my fellow TOR fanatics would go for a poster as well.

Re: The One Ring Roleplaying Game

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 9:04 am
by Hermes Serpent
If you check back through earlier posts you'll find that the licence held by Sophisticated Games and their sub-licensee C7 does not allow them to produce posters (or other non-book merchandise, only rpg game stuff. I'm sure Jon will be along to confirm that, he usually does.

Re: The One Ring Roleplaying Game

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 10:58 am
by Jon Hodgson
I can't confirm the finer details of what Hermes mentions we can and can't do, but yes, sadly we do not have a license that includes the production of posters.

But thanks for the kind words, greatly appreciated.

Re: The One Ring Roleplaying Game

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:22 am
by Hermes Serpent
However I would point out that Jon is indeed a talented artist and sometimes does work for hire. It might be with a sufficiently large incentive he could be persuaded to take time away from C7 during his slow period :-) and whip up a suitable picture of a number of characters that possibly could be based on similar characters such as are found in certain well-known work of fantasy. ... /Home.html

Prints of some of his work are available for purchase.

NB. I am not Jon's sockpuppet :-)

Re: The One Ring Roleplaying Game

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 12:19 pm
by Glorelendil
Hermes Serpent wrote:However I would point out that Jon is indeed a talented artist and sometimes does work for hire. It might be with a sufficiently large incentive he could be persuaded to take time away from C7 during his slow period :-) and whip up a suitable picture of a number of characters that possibly could be based on similar characters such as are found in certain well-known work of fantasy. ... /Home.html

Prints of some of his work are available for purchase.

NB. I am not Jon's sockpuppet :-)
I smell a Kickstarter.