So, I've revised my "crafting rules" and come up with something that I think work better within the boundries of the rules in TOR. I also had the chance to let my players test them last night, and the player playing the Hobbit in the group used his Fellowship Phase at the Easterly Inn (which they previously opened as a Sanctuary) to make Provisions.
The idea here is that spending a Fellowship Phase "crafting", can sometimes give bonuses on the next Adventure Phase, or small, but permanent bonuses from gear.
"Crafting Projects (looking for a better name, as many of them uses other skills than Craft) are based on either Craft, Song, Persuade or Lore. Also, most have a Speciality tied to them, and without it, the TN goes up two degrees. They have a Distinctive Feature and a Sanctuary. Having the Feature bumbs the TN down one degree, and having the Sanctuary opened and spending the Fellowship Phase there (representing skill, assistance and know-how) bumps it down another degree. That said, the TN goes from 12 for very simple things, to 20 for really good stuff. Great and Extraordinary Successes can give substantial but non-permanents bonuses.
In addition, rolling and Eye of Sauron when crafting can actually give the Companion, or even the entire Fellowship different penalties.
This is the current list of "Crafting Projects" (looking for a better name, as many of them uses other skills than Craft):
Armour & Shields (Craft, Smith-craft, Determined, Erebor)
Axes & Mattocks (Craft, Smith-craft, Hardy, Erebor)
Blades (Craft, Smith-craft, Hardy, Dale)
Bows & Arrows (Craft, Woodwright, Patient, The Elven King's Hall)
Clothes & Leather (Craft, no speciality, Patient, Elven King's Hall)
Merchandise (Persuade, Trader, Fair-spoken, Lake-town)
Music & Poetry (Song, Minstrelsy, Fair-spoken, Rivendell)
Maps & Lore (Lore, speciality varies by lore or region, Clever, Rivendell)
Provisions (Craft, Cooking, Patient, sanctuary depends on what you're trying to make)
Spears (Craft, Woodwright, Patient, The Elven King's Hall)
Toy's & Trinkets (Craft, no speciality, Energetic, Erebor)
So, that's it. It's still a work in progress, but they players liked it.
As an example, here is Provisions, which we playtested yesterday. Let me know if anyone's interested in checking out any of the others from the list above.
Skill: Craft
Speciality: Cooking
Distinctive Feature: Patient
Sanctuary: Special
Required Standard of Living: Frugal
Target Numbers: Provisions are made for the whole Fellowship, and can give two different types of advantages. The first is a bonus to Fatigue Check that is shared by the whole Fellowship. The second type is a number of times members of the Fellowship can ignore the Fatigue increase from failed Fatigue Checks or other circumstances. This number is shared by the members of the Fellowship. If two different types of Provisions are combined, count only the highest bonus and highest number of ignored Fatigue Increases.
TN 12: Trail rations (+1 to Fatigue Checks)
TN 12: Spice-wine (Ignore the Fatigue increase from two failed Fatigue Check)
TN 14: Pipe-leaf (Smoking, The Easterly Inn: +2 to Fatigue Checks)
TN 14: Honey-mead (Beorn’s House – Ignore the Fatigue increase from four failed Fatigue Checks
TN 16: A Hobbit’s Trail Provisions (Herb-lore, The Easterly Inn: +2 to Fatigue Checks, ignore the Fatigue increase from eight failed Fatigue Checks, +2 Encumbrance)
TN 18: Lembas (Elven-lore, The Elven King’s Hall: +4 to Fatigue Checks, ignore the Fatigue Increase from six failed Fatigue Checks)
Ordinary Success: Bonuses as listed
Great Success: Increase the number of ignored Fatigue increases by one. If the base Provision has no ignored Fatigue Tests, it now has one.
Extraordinary Success: Increase the number of ignored Fatigue increases by two. If the base Provision has no ignored Fatigue Tests, it now has two.
Failure: No bonuses are received.
Eye of Sauron: The Fellowship suffers a -1 on all Fatigue Checks the next Adventure Phase, due to the lower quality food.