Rewarding Treasure.

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Rewarding Treasure.

Post by Beran » Sat May 17, 2014 2:07 pm

As I've never really seen the world of ME in the same light as other fantasy rpgs in regards to cash rewards to the PCs, beyond the odd Troll Hoard, of course. I was wondering how other people have handled getting treasure into the hands of the players. Obviously, there can be paid missions for a Patron or a plot of land can be rewarded for faithful service, but beyond that I really have a hard time seeing how treasure works into a TOR game.

Hermes Serpent
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Re: Rewarding Treasure.

Post by Hermes Serpent » Sat May 17, 2014 2:22 pm

The most likely use for Treasure in my game is so that the company can provide largesse to their friends and family and make a big show when they go home at the End-of-Year celebrations. The company in my FTF game don't seem too worried yet about gaining Standing, but they've not had too many issues with Encounters where a higher Standing might make a difference. When they want to walk and talk with the big boys and have any actual influence on life in Rhovanion then the lack of Standing may become obvious and a raise required. I'm also not playing with Darkening yet so they can't do anything available in that as a Treasure sink hole.

I have no doubt that material in some of the books listed for 2014/15 will have further methods of separating a Company from their Treasure.
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Re: Rewarding Treasure.

Post by Beran » Sat May 17, 2014 3:48 pm

DoM isn't really a treasure sink hole. There is only a couple of Fellowship Phase options that could lead to an accumulation of treasure.

Hermes Serpent
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Re: Rewarding Treasure.

Post by Hermes Serpent » Sat May 17, 2014 4:02 pm

When the sample adventure features a huge hoard of Treasure accumulated from travellers you have a problem getting Treasure INTO the hands of the company? I have more of an issue getting it OUT of their hands. I did point out at the end of last session they'd accumulated 7 points and where did they keep it (with a subtle note that 1 Treasure point was I Encumbrance point)? As they'd been complaining about the lack of Endurance lately this straightened them up quickly. They don't want to be hauling gobs of loot around without a pony or four or they'll need to rub the one, two and three off their dice completely.
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"The One Ring's not a computer game, dictated by stats and inflexible rules, it's a story telling game." - Clawless Dragon

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