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Re: Events for Holdings
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:18 pm
by Rich H
zedturtle wrote:I really like your Holdings as Sanctuary rules, consider them yoinked.
No problem, I liked the idea too.
zedturtle wrote:Neither my face-to-face group nor my PbP group are anywhere nearly ready for Holdings, so that's why I'm asking for so much feedback, it's still mostly an intellectual exercise for me.
Perhaps ask their opinion then as they will ultimately be using it?
Re: Events for Holdings
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:24 pm
by beckett
Rich H wrote:zedturtle wrote:Ok, thanks for this. I guess my trouble is that I like both avenues: I like the simplicity of the A approach and feel that's the "default" state of the TOR rules. But, I also like the possibilities inherent in the B approach; the idea of shared Holdings and tying that into adventure prospects excites me. But it's a lot of work, if a lot of people said "yeah! thats the way to do it! I'd be more jazzed to sit down and slog through that process.
I can understand that, zed. Personally, when I produce stuff for TOR (and any other RPG for that matter) I produce something I want to use in my game primarily and not for others. You can get people to playtest the numbers etc and you can collaborate, sure, but ultimately it's a set of house rules that you're going to use. TOR can be quite complex in areas (eg, journey rules) and it is has numerous subsystems so it does have plenty of complexity built into it.
Here's the current draft of my version of the rules: ... 0Rules.pdf *
... They may help with ideas or give you motivation to create something different so that others can have more of a distinct choice.
* Bear in mind that the numbers in that document are specific to my own game - eg, I don't hand out a lot of treasure in my campaign and I've reduced the cost to increase Standing to 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 for instance.
Hi Rich,
Just had a chance to check out your draft. I had one question. In the Holding Upkeep, do you mean the player rolls the Feat Die and a number of Success Dice equal to the Holding's current rating? I think there is just a word missing there, but I wanted to make sure I understood.
Re: Events for Holdings
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:41 pm
by Rich H
Yep. It's like a skill test in my rules rather than just rolling a Feat Die.
Re: Events for Holdings
Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:51 pm
by beckett
Rich H wrote:Yep. It's like a skill test in my rules rather than just rolling a Feat Die.
Thanks. That's what I thought. I like this. Thanks for sharing. I might tweak this and Zedturtle's into one version for my group, if I have the time. That seems to be the big caveat these days.
Re: Events for Holdings
Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:36 pm
by zedturtle
beckett wrote:Rich H wrote:Yep. It's like a skill test in my rules rather than just rolling a Feat Die.
Thanks. That's what I thought. I like this. Thanks for sharing. I might tweak this and Zedturtle's into one version for my group, if I have the time. That seems to be the big caveat these days.
Yep, and it's worth saying that some of the way Rich handles thing will make it into the final version of my house rules.
Re: Events for Holdings
Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:55 pm
by Rich H
beckett wrote:That seems to be the big caveat these days.
Isn't it just. Lots on my plate at the moment as well!
Re: Events for Holdings
Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 7:22 pm
by beckett
Rich H wrote:beckett wrote:That seems to be the big caveat these days.
Isn't it just. Lots on my plate at the moment as well!
Here is hoping our plates empty soon so we can both get back to our diabolical plan to rule this Middle-earth!
(someone needs a vacation)
Re: Events for Holdings
Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 7:34 pm
by Rich H
beckett wrote:Here is hoping our plates empty soon so we can both get back to our diabolical plan to rule this Middle-earth!
(someone needs a vacation)
Well, mine definitely will... My contract finishes on the 26th June and I'm going to give myself at least a 2 month holiday, maybe 3! Will still do work during that time but not the usual 9 to 5 type thing. Need to read through some material James Brown sent me, do stuff for my game, maybe look at some more freelance work etc. Then, come September, back to the 'boring' business analysis. Assuming someone will employ me!
Re: Events for Holdings
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:11 pm
by beckett
New question for you, Rich, regarding Holdings.
What is the difference between the Tend Holding Undertaking and the Holding Upkeep?
Holding Upkeep determines the profit it may or may not generate at the end of the Year.
The Tend Holding Undertaking is a Feat Die Roll. What does that determine? I'm assuming this Undertaking is not limited to the Year's End? Why would a player choose this Undertaking?
I feel dense asking this one.
Re: Events for Holdings
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:30 pm
by Rich H
The Tend Holding undertaking allows you to roll the Feat Die twice and select the best result during Holding Upkeep. It also gives you a 'free' AP if your character has a Speciality appropriate to his or her Holding.