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Tasks and tests

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 2:39 pm
by Stormcrow
I don't think I've yet posted my sequences for tasks and tests. If I have, they're out of date. These are more complicated than you might expect.

  1. Statement of Intent
    1. The player describes the task being attempted.
    2. The player chooses the skill to use.
      1. The other players decide whether this skill is appropriate.
      2. If the other players decide the skill is not appropriate, the Loremaster decides which skill to use.
    3. The player decides what will happen if the task is successful.
  2. The Loremaster sets the difficulty of the task.
    • If the difficulty is beyond the player-characters' ability to succeed, the Loremaster may optionally declare the task an epic action.
    • If the Loremaster decides the task is a prolonged action, he determines the number of rolls needed and the difficulty. If other characters are cooperating with the player-character, they follow the same procedure in the next two steps as the main player-character for their own respective rolls.
  3. The player announces the use of any applicable special ability.
  4. The player rolls the dice.
    • If the player's roll indicates a failure, the player may invoke an attribute bonus.
    • Opposed actions
      • If the task is a direct confrontation with a major Loremaster character, the Loremaster simultaneously rolls an appropriate ability against the same difficulty.
      • If a major Loremaster character wants to nullify a player-character's action, the player rolls first and, if successful, the Loremaster character rolls against an appropriate skill at the same difficulty.
      • If a player is trying to nullify a major Loremaster character's action, the Loremaster rolls first against an appropriate skill at the same difficulty and, if successful, the player rolls.
  5. Consequences
    • Success: The player narrates how his objective was achieved.
    • Failure: The Loremaster narrates the consequences of the failed task.
  1. Announcement
    1. The Loremaster announces who is going to roll.
    2. The Loremaster announces what ability will be tested.
  2. The Loremaster sets the difficulty of the test.
    • If the difficulty is beyond the player-characters' ability to succeed, the Loremaster may optionally declare the test an epic action.
    • If the Loremaster decides the test is a prolonged action, he determines the number of rolls needed and the difficulty. If other characters are cooperating with the player-character, they follow the same procedure in the next two steps as the main player-character for their own respective rolls.
  3. The players announce the use of any applicable special abilities.
  4. The players roll the dice.
    • If the player's roll indicates a failure, the player may invoke an attribute bonus.
    • Opposed actions
      • If the test is a direct confrontation with a major Loremaster character, the Loremaster simultaneously rolls an appropriate ability against the same difficulty.
      • If a major Loremaster character wants to nullify a player-character's action, the player rolls first and, if successful, the Loremaster character rolls against an appropriate skill at the same difficulty.
      • If a player is trying to nullify a major Loremaster character's action, the Loremaster rolls first against an appropriate skill at the same difficulty and, if successful, the player rolls.
  5. Consequences: The Loremaster narrates the consequences of the successful or failed test.

Re: Tasks and tests

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 3:22 pm
by Valarian
Sounds about right to me :)

Re: Tasks and tests

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 3:35 pm
by trystero
Very helpful summary: thanks for posting this, Stormcrow.

Re: Tasks and tests

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 5:56 pm
by stumbler
Great summary.