by Glorelendil » Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:27 am
Update: Falenthal is cranking out the region tagging: 58 regions completed.
I've also got some really ugly code working that resolves ambiguous regions: if a cell is tagged for multiple regions it tries to figure out which region you meant. In the case where the ambiguous cell is bracketed by cells of a single region (say, you're traveling along the border of a region and you occasionally touch a cell that straddles the border) it works pretty well. In the case where you're crossing a border, and all the cells on one side of the ambiguous cell are in one region, and all the cells on the other side are in another, it just assumes the ambiguous cell is in the region you're coming from, not the one you're going to. And if you manage to plot a journey that has NO unambiguous cells...well then it's supposed to just pick one and call it day. But it might be possible to break it. Like I said, ugly code.
Rivers and Roads.
I keep vacillating on this.
Option 1: Create another dataset of rivers and roads, including (for the rivers) direction of flow. Compare every journey to this dataset, looking for a match of at least two contiguous cells. (If you only go through one River or Road hex you're probably crossing it, not traveling along it.) If a match is found, break the matching cells into their own leg. In the journey summary, add a checkbox (default to checked) that says, "River" or "Road" as appropriate, including direction of travel on Rivers. (Provide options for boat type.)
Pros: Automated and easy. Impress your friends. Woo women.
Cons: A boatload (ba-dum-dum) of work, and likely to be buggy for a while.
Option 2: As described above, just make it an option to click any cell and make it a River or Road cell. Maybe Shift/Ctrl Click, or there are some other options (none of them great). Once River/Road cells are designated, same options appear in journey summary window, but without the checkbox (you would just overwrite the hexes to "turn off" the those travel options.
Pros: Much simpler coding, no data entry, leaves decision of what is navigable water/road to the LM.
Cons: Inelegant UI.