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Re: Journeyometer 2: Rivendell is live!

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:54 pm
by Glorelendil
Falenthal wrote:I explained myself badly: the TNs for the Travel checks (not the Corruption ones) are wrong... sometimes.

See North Nurn, for example:
North Nurn is a Shadow Land (TN18) and the Travel check difficulty is, in the Journeyometer, of TN16.
Ah, got it. Fixed. Thanks.

Re: Journeyometer 2: Rivendell is live!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:00 pm
by Glorelendil
I'm trying to figure out some of the aesthetics. Putting dates on *all* the cells is going to be cluttered and ugly, especially if I'm also showing Travel and Blight* checks, so I came up with the idea of just marking first and last day, and then making the rest of the cells have a mouseover tooltip with the day. Here's what it currently looks like. I don't love the yellow/black, but that can be tuned. What do you think? (I also added bezier curves to the path instead of angular turns.)

EDIT: Also, I think I'll indicate Fatigue and Blight checks by adding icons to the appropriate hexes. I'll use Eye of Sauron rune for the Blight checks. Suggestions for the Fatigue icon? Footprint?


*(Because Blight is determined by rolling a Feat die I decided to indicate when the LM should roll, rather than do the actual rolls.)

Re: Journeyometer 2: Rivendell is live!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 5:28 pm
by Falenthal
I like the red route line.

One question: how are you calculating where to indicate the Fatigue and Blight checks?

I guess you'll mark them after the number of days required for a Fatigue/Blight, right?

Can be good to have it that way, to have a certain consideration during long travels if a Hazard occurs during, for example, the Long Marshes Fatigue tests or already in the Elven Path Fatigue tests. Then it's easier to present a Hazard appropiate to the terrain it happen at.

Re: Journeyometer 2: Rivendell is live!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 5:41 pm
by Glorelendil
Falenthal wrote:I like the red route line.

One question: how are you calculating where to indicate the Fatigue and Blight checks?

I guess you'll mark them after the number of days required for a Fatigue/Blight, right?

Can be good to have it that way, to have a certain consideration during long travels if a Hazard occurs during, for example, the Long Marshes Fatigue tests or already in the Elven Path Fatigue tests. Then it's easier to present a Hazard appropiate to the terrain it happen at.
Yeah, that's the idea. If you get a Fatigue test every 4 days, then every 4th cell I'll put an icon in it. Same for Blight.

(I'm pretty pleased with the red route line, too.)

Re: Journeyometer 2: Rivendell is live!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:08 pm
by zedturtle
Glorelendil wrote:Yeah, that's the idea. If you get a Fatigue test every 4 days, then every 4th cell I'll put an icon in it. Same for Blight.
Every eighth cell, you mean, right? (Assuming 20 miles a day, there might need to be an adjustment in there for forced marches and what-not)

I think the footstep icon makes perfect sense.
(I'm pretty pleased with the red route line, too.)
Yeah, looking pretty good... I was hoping to have used it for our Angmar jaunt, but it's all cool anyways.

Re: Journeyometer 2: Rivendell is live!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:13 pm
by Glorelendil
zedturtle wrote:
Glorelendil wrote:Yeah, that's the idea. If you get a Fatigue test every 4 days, then every 4th cell I'll put an icon in it. Same for Blight.
Every eighth cell, you mean, right? (Assuming 20 miles a day, there might need to be an adjustment in there for forced marches and what-not)
Depends on the Terrain, I guess. Every 8 cells in Easy terrain. But that actually raises an issue: it's possible to have multiple Fatigue checks in one hex. Hmmm...

Re: Journeyometer 2: Rivendell is live!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:51 pm
by Glorelendil
Here's the latest UX for showing Fatigue and Blight checks:

The blue number at the top of the cell is the TN of a Fatigue check, if required.
The red number at the bottom of the cell is the number of Blight checks, if required.
Only the end cells show their dates by default; the middle ones will look like the end ones if you mouse over them.

Re: Journeyometer 2: Rivendell is live!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 4:19 pm
by Falenthal
Glor, I think I found exactly the problem with the TNs I was mentioning a few posts before:

When calculating the TN for the Fatigue tests, you/the program assigns the difficulty of the terrain, as found in page 156 of the Revised Book, expressed as colours and easy, moderate, hard, etc.

But the difficulty of the TNs for the Fatigue tests correspond to the region type, defined by the rune and not the colour of each region. Found in page 158 of the Revised Book. This is also the TN applied to the Corruption test on said regions.

I'll copy the text from the Revised book here that explains it (also page 158):
The Target Number of each Fatigue test is usually 14. If
the Loremaster prefers to reflect the characteristics of the
traversed region in the difficulty of the roll, he can use the
Region table below
(the same table can be used to affect
the TN of any roll concerning actions accomplished when
on a journey).
Example: open the Wilderland map and simulate a travel inside the West Upper Vales. Being a Wild Land, the TN for the Travel test should be TN16.
Next to it, the East Upper Vales, are a Border Land, and the TN should be TN14.
But as both are a green regions (described as Moderate in the table in page 156), the (erroneous) assigned TN for both is TN14, which would correspond to a moderate difficulty for any other skill test.

Re: Journeyometer 2: Rivendell is live!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 4:55 pm
by Glorelendil
Are you seeing the wrong numbers on the alpha of the new version, or just the old, live version? It should be working correctly on the alpha (which you have access to)

Re: Journeyometer 2: Rivendell is live!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 5:32 pm
by Falenthal
I was using the old version, not the new one.

I'll get to the new version again tonight, to try to finish tagging the last remaining regions.