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Re: Elfcrusher's Journeyometer

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:47 pm
by Glorelendil
Thanks for feedback, Morgoth.

Regarding maps, when Rivendell comes out I'll have to see what the maps look like. I may have to stitch them together. In a perfect world I'd have a the entire map broken up into tiles that I could load as needed and in the background. Valarian might be able to help me with that, although it gets complicated to then also support the official maps.

Re: Elfcrusher's Journeyometer

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:51 pm
by Glorelendil
Been poking around and the dates are still a little buggy. I'll work on it.

Re: Elfcrusher's Journeyometer

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:40 pm
by jamesrbrown
Morgoth wrote:You don't count the first hex when traveling.
Precisely. That's what the problem is. If you want to calculate a journey from Beorn's House to the Eagles' Eyrie, you wouldn't count the hex that Beorn's House is in. You would count the next one over and the one the Eagles' Eyrie is in; Like this:


So, if you leave Beorn's House on January 1, January 2 should appear only two hexes away from Beorn's House, not three. That would be the second highlighted hex west of Beorn's House, not the third.

The way the app has been programmed would require you to click on Beorn's House to start, but then leave out the destination hex if you want to be accurate about dates. The travel distance is not accurate if you click both the starting and ending hex. You will have travelled 10 more miles than necessary.

Re: Elfcrusher's Journeyometer

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:49 pm
by jamesrbrown
Let me just say, this is the second greatest app I have seen for this game and I will certainly promote it with every person I talk to about The One Ring when I am doing demos, etc. (The greatest is the TOR Online Character Server found at Love it! You have done a fantastic job Elfcrusher.

Re: Elfcrusher's Journeyometer

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:58 pm
by Glorelendil
jamesrbrown wrote:Let me just say, this is the second greatest app I have seen for this game and I will certainly promote it with every person I talk to about The One Ring when I am doing demos, etc. (The greatest is the TOR Online Character Server found at Love it! You have done a fantastic job Elfcrusher.

(Also in the works: my own version of the azrapse character sheet server...)

Re: Elfcrusher's Journeyometer

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:13 pm
by Glorelendil
First, I just pushed a "fix" for some of these fenceposting problems, but I fear I didn't test it enough and it's buggy. I'll work on it tonight and get something rock solid.

I'm torn about how to handle starting/ending hexes. Mathematically I should include half of the starting hex and half of the ending hex, but that's going to make the dates look more erratic because there will be that half-hex carried through on all the computations. Alternately I could just ignore the starting hex, but that doesn't feel right to me. Thus, so far I've been including both start and end hex.

But maybe leaving out the start hex is the "best" compromise solution.

Thanks for the careful testing; that's very helpful.

Re: Elfcrusher's Journeyometer

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:14 pm
by jamesrbrown
You are welcome! I really, really, like what you've done and I'm very curious about what you come up with for a character generator. The weakest point with the other is the aesthetics and printing issues. I like that all my players can store their characters on the server so that I can access them as well.

I took a look at your bestiary app too. That will come in handy the next time I run a game! No more scrolling through the PDFs back and forth (although I still may want to print up all the adversaries I need prior to a game so that I have them on the same page together).

Did you understand what I was saying about not counting the hex of origin when calculating the distance of a journey?

Re: Elfcrusher's Journeyometer

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:23 pm
by Glorelendil
jamesrbrown wrote:You are welcome! I really, really, like what you've done and I'm very curious about what you come up with for a character generator. The weakest point with the other is the aesthetics and printing issues. I like that all my players can store their characters on the server so that I can access them as well.
Yes, I'm working on aesthetics and printability.
Some other features I'm considering:
- A change log so that player and LM can both see what has changed recently. I.e., "Wait...did I remember to deduct those 4 endurance points?"
- Dropdown lists of weapons and armor, with damage, encumbrance, and the like auto-populating/updating.
- iOS (mostly iPad) support
I took a look at your bestiary app too. That will come in handy the next time I run a game! No more scrolling through the PDFs back and forth (although I still may want to print up all the adversaries I need prior to a game so that I have them on the same page together).

Did you understand what I was saying about not counting the hex of origin when calculating the distance of a journey?

Yes, absolutely. See subsequent post.

Re: Elfcrusher's Journeyometer

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:30 pm
by jamesrbrown
Oh, sorry, I didn't see your latest post. Yah, not including the origin hex is the solution that the rulebook gives. I think it's a good solution myself because you are counting the destination hex in full.

Re: Elfcrusher's Journeyometer

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:40 am
by Morgoth
I would have the Journeyometer not count the first hex myself. It seems more intuitive. Either that or count all the hexes, and you'd just make sure you didn't click the starting location in your route, but I'd probably forget to do that most of the time. Either way works though.

Can't wait to see the character sheet. The other one is great, but there's a few things I'm not crazy about.