Journeys & Time
Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 1:17 pm
Well, I finally got in a brief session of TOR just yesterday and even as a totally new LM with a less-than-perfect understanding of the rules, playing through the first two parts of The Marsh-bell using pre-generated characters with a couple of dudes goofing around at the flgs, we had a really good time. But, it did raise at least one question on how to play the journey mechanic.
The book recommends something like 4 days by boat from Lake-town down the River Running to the marshes/elf-path, and 2 fatigue tests. It then goes into some suggestions about how to play out the experience of navigating the marshes (Athletics tests to see if can navigate past roots sticking out of the water; Awareness tests to see if you spot Elves mucking about; and the like). So, my question is this: how does one properly time this out? Do you just do the journey? Do you throw in those other actions? Both-and? Loremaster's discretion?
What I mean is, do you do the whole Journey sequence (route, lore rolls, fatigue tests, hazards, and so on) and then say, "Okay, on your second day, about here [pointing to the map] you bump into some roots so roll an Athletics check to see if you get around them"? Wouldn't that rub up against a hazard sequence? Is this after you traveled down to the marshes and it's just a separate act entirely? Is it 'during' the journey?
I don't feel like I'm asking my question clearly but hopefully you see what I mean. Per forum etiquette, I apologize if this has been addressed elsewhere. Thanks for helping a newb Loremaster.
The book recommends something like 4 days by boat from Lake-town down the River Running to the marshes/elf-path, and 2 fatigue tests. It then goes into some suggestions about how to play out the experience of navigating the marshes (Athletics tests to see if can navigate past roots sticking out of the water; Awareness tests to see if you spot Elves mucking about; and the like). So, my question is this: how does one properly time this out? Do you just do the journey? Do you throw in those other actions? Both-and? Loremaster's discretion?
What I mean is, do you do the whole Journey sequence (route, lore rolls, fatigue tests, hazards, and so on) and then say, "Okay, on your second day, about here [pointing to the map] you bump into some roots so roll an Athletics check to see if you get around them"? Wouldn't that rub up against a hazard sequence? Is this after you traveled down to the marshes and it's just a separate act entirely? Is it 'during' the journey?
I don't feel like I'm asking my question clearly but hopefully you see what I mean. Per forum etiquette, I apologize if this has been addressed elsewhere. Thanks for helping a newb Loremaster.