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Re: Rivendell nomenclature

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 7:14 pm
by Otaku-sempai
Falenthal wrote:By the way, where did you find the name in Westron. I've never read anywhere the name Karningul.
And while Imladris is elvish (sindarin, I guess), what language is Rivendell? I thought Rivendell was Westron...
I got that from Robert Foster's The Complete Guide to Middle-earth. Foster cites page 515 of the revised Ballantine edition of RotK.

Re: Rivendell nomenclature

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 7:15 pm
by Beran
Imladris is a Sindarin term which means "deep valley of the cleft": from imlad ("glen, deep valley") and rist ("cleft") or riss ("ravine"). According to the Lord of the Rings wiki.

I believe Rivendell has a similar meaning in Common.

On further investigation I would put Rivendell (or the Hidden Valley) being in Eriador on a map. But, I is a matter of opinion.