by Rocmistro » Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:48 pm
I *think* the reason the text states that ALL tests are resolved for ALL players at the same time is so that the Loremaster can fully see how many "hazards" are triggered (or not) before "interpreting" the results of the die.
If the rolls were done one at a time, the LM doesn't have a full panoramic view of what's about to happen. If, then, over the course of a long journey, the fellowship triggers 5 hazards, let's say, and the Loremaster has to interpret them all individually, that can be overwhelming and/or disjointed. If instead, he knows that 5 hazards are coming up, he might choose to incorporate them all into a single "event": A horrible thunderstorm (hazard 1) blocks the fellowship's visibility and they wander into a sinkhold (hazard 2), which is actually a trap set by a group of marauding orcs (hazard 3); the party successfully fights the orcs but doesn't realize that the bag of silver they found on the orcs is cursed (hazard 4), which provokes them into acting belligerently (hazard 5) when they meet the group of woodmen who come to help the heroes after they hear them fighting the orcs.
As a player in your group, I don't have a problem with how you're doing the 1 feat die role (I kind of like it, to a degree, as the one feat die suggests a common environment for everyone; low feat die = miserable weather, high feat die = good weather, finding a road, etc.), but I do agree with the others that I don't think it's the correct interpretation.
Last edited by
Rocmistro on Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rignuth: Barding Wordweaver Wanderer in Southron Loremaster's game.
Amroth Ol'Hir: High Elf Vengeful Kin Slayer in Zedturtle's game.
Jakk O'Malli: Dwarven Orator Treasure-Hunter in Hermes Serpent's game.