I was envisioning Navigation checks being triggered by failed Travel rolls, and maybe other events and/or LM discretion. This part needs some work. EDIT: I also imagine Travel TNs in Moria being frequent and very high, so there will be lots of failures...Rocmistro wrote:Possibly confusion?
So a couple questions/comments:
Is what you are calling a "navigation" check equal to a Travel role? I need a more precise definition there...
The problem with that is that if they roll a 4 and the LM says, "You succeeded!" they will know something is up. My goal was the leave them truly guessing, and do it with one roll.
The "margin of error" between knowing one is lost and not knowing seems off to me; I believe it should be flipped.
In other words if a player rolls within the margin of "lostness" shouldn't that be that they have failed but they know about? Otherwise players get a worse result from rolling higher (and presumably having more skill).
What if, instead, you set the "lostness" value as a number equal to like, let's say, 6 or 8 or 10. That number is the value that, if players roll, they fail and don't know about it. So if a group has a current lostness of 8, and they roll "navigation" checks of 8 or less, they fail but think they succeed. This synergizes better, also, with weariness, as it will produce lower results which reflect properly how the body's fatigue is affectng the mind and so forth.
(Although that's a really good point about Weary.)