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Re: Artefacts of interest to TOR LMs.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:08 pm
by Beran
That is not a sickle. It's a Dwarven straight razor. :lol: Nice piece of work.

Re: Artefacts of interest to TOR LMs.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:52 am
by Jon Hodgson
Today I'm going to post an old favourite. I absolutely adore Jake Powning's work (and nearly feinted when he liked my Facebook page!) so any excuse to share:

I think this is a truly beautiful piece of work, but also the description has some wonderfully evocative stuff in it: "Yellow birch scabbard", "Bog oak grip", "bronze with silver and copper wire accents". Veracity and mythology, right there.

Re: Artefacts of interest to TOR LMs.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:59 pm
by Glorelendil
That guy should totally drop the 'o' from his last name.

Re: Artefacts of interest to TOR LMs.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:25 pm
by Thig
Beautiful swords there Jon.

I use Tolkien's poetry fairly regularly, song was initially a new thing for our group to consider as 'something to do in play' AND it has tangible results too. Its one of the things I really enjoy in the game, bringing those kinds of things alive and tangible, useful AND atmospheric too. Several times now members of the company have used song nicely, one during the stay in Thranduil's halls the elves took Baldor and all but ignored the company, song from the Woodman about their deeds brought the party to their attention and there was a nice kind of spellbound moment where the elves suddenly 'noticed' these mortals in the candle lit cellars. However there was a fight against a wight in TfW and I had by coincidence that day hunted out and copy pasted 'The fall of Fingolfin' ( Maybe Woeful Foresight kicked in ) and as it happened the Elven member of the company was all that stood between the party and what looked like an inevitable party wipe. His character is an archer with 1 in sword and leapt in at the wight in complete defiance, forced into melee alone while the other only remaining awake party member, a freshly rolled hobbit scrabbled uncertainly about. We used the whole poem in that scene and handled with care they really work, the elf defying the shadow just as he sang about Mighty Fingolfin Confronting Morgoth. With that in mind I also out of curiosity had a look around on Youtube to see if there were any decent renditions and discovered this song among others, it may not be to everyone's taste I dont know but I really like it and I will wait for an oportunity to introduce this guy - perhaps as a minstrel, perhaps around a campfire shared with a passing band of dwarves on their way west across the vales towards Dimrill Dale...

Re: Artefacts of interest to TOR LMs.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:28 pm
by Thig
Not sure if it was just visual props or not, sorry if it is!

Re: Artefacts of interest to TOR LMs.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:04 pm
by Jon Hodgson
Another interesting and this time, given recent discussions, amusing artefact:
I hope this link works for everyone - I'm never quite sure with links to FB images: ... =1&theater

Of not then by all means head over to their FB liker page here: ... 5500531911

Petr makes some wonderful things, and there's a ton of inspiration for TOR things there. I have sporadic chats with him about working together on some weapons. I hope I can get some time to do it!

Re: Artefacts of interest to TOR LMs.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:54 pm
by DavetheLost
As a sometime blacksmith I am truly awed by that sickle. I think integrating that into a harvest festival for cutting the grain used to make the corn mother would be truly awesome.

I love using props in RPGs, either the actual objects or photographs. I have taken doing the same for NPCs.

Now I will have to remember this thread and post awesome artifacts here.

Re: Artefacts of interest to TOR LMs.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:36 pm
by Glorelendil
Vorpal Frying Pan FTW.

Re: Artefacts of interest to TOR LMs.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:41 pm
by Rich H
Elfcrusher wrote:That guy should totally drop the 'o' from his last name.