The One Ring Preview 10: The Fellowship Phase

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Re: The One Ring Preview 10: The Fellowship Phase

Post by zedturtle » Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:48 pm

Yusei wrote:The amount of APs per session is usually between 3 and 6, but it depends on what they do, I'm just following the guidelines. However our sessions are short (between 3 and 4 hours), so they have a higher AP-per-hour rate that if we were playing 6 hour ones.
With the progressive difficulty of earning APs, my groups are lucky to earn 6-9 AP in an Adventure Phase. Of course, the AP rules as (currently) written make the earning of APs pretty much a LM call; if your group is happy then all is well, but you might wish to be a touch less generous, just to make them feel like they've earned it when they get a new rank in a skill.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.

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Re: The One Ring Preview 10: The Fellowship Phase

Post by Falenthal » Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:07 am

Yusei wrote:I'm not sure about those changes, as I think heroes have it too easy already.
We'll have to see the final changes, but my first impression is that most of them are beneficial for the players. Could it tend to make player's life too easy?

Preliminary rolls (while I like them) give players a chance to gain extra dices, when in the RAW there where none (Encounters and Travels); some combat maneuvers have their effects increased; favoured skills are cheaper,...

All this maybe needed some retweaking, but it seems that all changes fall to the player's side.

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Re: The One Ring Preview 10: The Fellowship Phase

Post by Yusei » Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:08 am

I'm having a doubt, and I'll have to check with my players... I wonder if we didn't drift away from the RAW at some point, and if we are not resetting the APs at the end of the session instead of the end of the adventure. That would explain why they're progressing quickly.

On the other end, they're rarely using their traits to check the other boxes, so I doubt they're getting more that 8 or 9 APs per adventure.

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Re: The One Ring Preview 10: The Fellowship Phase

Post by aramis » Wed Jun 11, 2014 7:25 pm

My players, last session, I gave 3 XP (completing an adventure, 2 sessions of 5 hours long; they got 2 last time, and broke with a fellowship phase mid adventure); they averaged about 2.5 AP each session, as well, but with a low of 1 and a high of 4. It's almost impossible to not get a movement AP.

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