Improving Endurance rating

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Improving Endurance rating

Post by Wbweather » Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:14 pm

Okay, I am getting ready to run a game and have read through the books several times, but cannot seem to find anything referring to increasing a characters endurance rating above their starting score. From the few simple combat encounters I have played through, it seems like endurance quickly gets depleted, even with weak opponents. Would someone with experience please comment on how character development allows players to withstand increasingly stronger opponents without being overwhelmed?

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Re: Improving Endurance rating

Post by Hermes Serpent » Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:19 pm

There's a Mastery Virtue 1st ed AB p124 Resilience that allows you to raise your Endurance by 2 points and that can be taken multiple (up to five) times.

That's the only way you can do it. Higher AL creatures are very deadly even for experienced characters, running away is good.
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Re: Improving Endurance rating

Post by Rocmistro » Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:20 pm

There are several ways to do it, but they all hinge around raising your Wisdom score, and selecting an appropriate Mastery or a Cultural Blessing.

The Mastery: Resilience improves your endurance by +2, it can be taken multiple times.

Other cultural blessings can be taken once. King's Men, for example, for Bardings, gives a +3 bonus to endurance (as well as other things). Brother to Bears, for Beornings, also raises their Endurance by +3 points (as well as doing other things.)

Another way to look at the problem from the other end, however, is to lower your fatigue rating, by selecting Qualities (resulting from increasing your Valor score), that lower the encumbrance rating of certain gear. This doesn't give you more endurance, but it does increase the margin before which you become Weary, which is hugely important for survival.
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Re: Improving Endurance rating

Post by Wbweather » Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:28 pm

Thank you. I missed the resilience mastery.

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