Campaign outlines

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Re: Campaign outlines

Post by Murcushio » Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:28 pm

Pedantry: the Witch-King doesn't really figure into what happens in Mirkwood at all, at least canonically. Khamul (the only Nazgul with an actual name!) is the guy in charge up there, him and his two buddies. The Witch-King is probably down in Minas Morgul, ruling it like the King he is.

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Re: Campaign outlines

Post by zedturtle » Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:31 pm

Murcushio wrote:Pedantry: the Witch-King doesn't really figure into what happens in Mirkwood at all, at least canonically. Khamul (the only Nazgul with an actual name!) is the guy in charge up there, him and his two buddies. The Witch-King is probably down in Minas Morgul, ruling it like the King he is.
Yeah, Khamûl is a better choice; it would also help explain why he was terrified at Buckland Ferry.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.

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Re: Campaign outlines

Post by dsmvites » Thu Jul 24, 2014 11:27 pm

My campaign outline was heavily influenced by The Heart of the Wild!

The fellowship are descendants of a family that was scattered all over Wilderland centuries ago from their ancestral holdings by a dragon. With the death of Smaug, the elders of this family decide to reclaim their lands and heritage.

All the group must be human, coming from any of the regular cultures, and one dwarf, whose father was the seneschal of the family's keep. They all gather in Eriaebor during Dragon Tide.

The chapters of the chronicle at first are:
1) Find the ghost of Farmann so they can be led to the Lost Watchtower (manned lastly by the Angdall)
2) Find the keys to the Watchtower in the Hidden Home of the dwarves
3) Explore the Watchtower (possibly releasing the Gibbet King, a corrupted ancestral - from Tales from Wilderland)
4) Unite the Hillmen of Gundabad under their banner (after all they are all kinsmen! shocking revelation!).
5) Reclaim from Gogol the Blade of Azhog, in fact an ancient Angdall family heirloom.
6) Slay the dragon of Mirkwood and reclaim the treasure it has stolen from the Watchtower, centuries back.

Obviously the family will hae to deal with all the movers and shakers of the Wilderland to revive the glory of their family. All along fighting with prejudice and misconceptions regarding their lineage's convoluted past, as the nobility of cruel Angmar!

Not for the faint of heart, not for the merry souls who would rather enjoy the Shire. :shock: I wanted an epic storyline that would add to the lore of the Middle Earth, but avoiding as much railroading and recycling of iconic movie characters.

By the end of it all I would like to build a new Culture for the scenario, based on this family!

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Re: Campaign outlines

Post by Rue » Fri Jul 25, 2014 12:37 am

I love the red herring idea, I might have to steal that for future use. I'd love to read about the epic family saga--not for the faint of heart indeed!

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