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houserules for revised hazard-episodes

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:49 am
by riobravo
first: im sorry for my bad english.
due to the point:
Houserules - opposite to „Hazard episodes“ called „fortune episodes“
The idea creating this housrules was to enable the gandalf rune on the „Feat Die“ equal to the „Eye“ for Fatigue -tests.
here you can download the pdf at
google-drive: ... sp=sharing

or dropbox: ... isodes.pdf

im really excited what u guys comment on this! perhaps we can make something usefull out of this...

... post notes: if I use the Hobbit-Tale Cards for hazard episodes.
i noticed that half of the cards show more positive events than hazard...
So i segregated the ones, that can be used with my houserules (fortune episodes)
and it turned out that it worked well approximately with half of the cards.
So now i have two batches of cards, one for the hazard-episodes and one for the
fortune episodes. By the way, you can still use the spacial symbols to choose an specific episode,
just compare the numbers in the table on page 160 in the core-rule-book of the TOR Game with
the numbers in the fortune-episode table.

Re: houserules for revised hazard-episodes

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:25 pm
by Rich H
Very similar to p34 of the attached: ... 0Rules.pdf

I think they're a really good idea, personally and like to use them.

Re: houserules for revised hazard-episodes

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:58 pm
by riobravo
This is realy awesome.
Even how its executed, the layout and illustration
so far. the rules i will study soon - looks realy promissing!
is this fan-work or kind of "official"?

Thanks for this.

Re: houserules for revised hazard-episodes

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 2:18 pm
by Rich H

It's a fan supplement, collecting up lots of input from various people on here - check out the contents page and after each title name you'll see which people contributed to it. There's a lot of information in it for various parts of the game.

Just realised that your new here (welcome!) so take a look at the link in my signature; lots of, hopefully, useful stuff in there for you to take a look through. If you have any questions feel free to post here or PM me.
