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Rivendell and new core
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:53 pm
by arthyn
This may have already been asked, but if so I didn't see it.
I'm wondering if the two new books are being printed at the same place as Darkening. I'm all for pre-ordering, but I have to admit I'm a little hesitant to purchase ahead with all the shipping delays on the last book. I totally understand that the current situation isn't Cubicle 7's fault, but I'm just curious if that was a one time deal. Do the print versions usually takes several months past the release of their PDF counterparts?
Re: Rivendell and new core
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:11 pm
by Glorelendil
What's the downside to pre-ordering? You want to keep the float on the 40 quid? (Quid is slang for Pound, isn't it?)
You won't get it any faster by not pre-ordering. And if you do at least you'll get the PDF.
Re: Rivendell and new core
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:42 pm
by arthyn
Perfectly valid, and I'm almost certainly going to pre-order like I usually do. I'm mostly just curious about the timeline on the physical books. I much prefer them, both for reading and for my games actual games.
Re: Rivendell and new core
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:48 pm
by Hermes Serpent
Any company obtaining product from the other side of the world is going to be subject to the delays inherent in global shipping and trans-shipping. ... ina-guide/
" I recommend businesses to place an order at a minimum 3 months before they need the products in their warehouse."
I would also note that consolidating shipments by shipping agents so that more than one company's product is in the same container might add to the time taken to ship goods.
So with the change in printer that was talked about sometime back (April?) the usual three months or so that C7 have between putting up the pre-order and getting the product in the US warehouse seems to be in line with expectations of shipping from China. Although I expect anything being shipped across the Pacific at the moment is getting a very rough ride and one has to hope that the typhoon season doesn't get any worse this year.