Adventure Report: The Raven and the Waterhorse
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:23 am
The Cast:
Arathor: An Elven Slayer, Wild at Heart
Regnald, the Fox: A Woodsman Warden, Seeker
Veig: A Dwarven Scholar, Far Trader
Rignuth: A Barding Wanderer, Wordweaver
Larahelle: An Elven Wanderer, Wild at Heart
Jaro Hornblower: A Hobbit Scholar, A Good Listener
Time & Place:
Spring of the year 2948, starting in the City of Dale, and the lands to the South and East.
Context & History:
Arathor, Regnald, and Veig are the "original" fellowship members, and had completed The Marsh Bell, Stay on the Path, Of Leaves and Stewed Hobbit and most of Kinstrife and Dark Tidings before being joined by Rignuth. The fellowship then undertook Darkness in the Marshes where they met Larahelle along the way, and having finished that, turned East back to Dale....
Part 1: To Dale
The battle at the Dwimmerhorn had been a success, but the enemy's damage weighed heavily upon the hearts of the fellowship. Of the score of prisoners that had been liberated, many died of their wounds in the hard winter following their freedom. Furthermore, the heroes had discovered the presence of at least 3 major foes: a monstrous new Great Orc named Ghor, who had barely escaped with his life, a skinchanger named Viglund....and some dark ghost that infested the hill. Regnald's sister, Dagmar (NPC) had been rescued and lived, but at a great price, for she bore many wounds and hideous scars of torture. Who knows what evils she was made to endure in the Dwimmerhorn? It was clear that Viglund wanted the shards of the axe called Wolfbiter, one of which she and her now deceased betrothed, Odovacar, had carried with her at one point. But why?
And of course Regnald was not pleased when his brother-in-arms Rignuth had shown a romantic interest in his sister. All the more reason, when Spring came, to undertake a mission to Dale. That carried it's own complications, as Rignuth, a citizen of Dale, had been banished from the King's Men nearly 4 years, for a crime he says he did not commit. Nevertheless, when Radagast asked for a missive to be carried by Regnald to King Bard, he gathered up those he trusted most and headed East.
In Dale, Rignuth was forced to lay low, to use skill at stealth and his cunning nature to avoid guards. The letter was delivered but not without almost being recognized by some of the other King's Men with whom Rignuth once trained and lived. King Bard would grant no audience, however, so the missive was given to Captain Elstan. What the letter said, no one yet knew.
The mission having been completed, the heroes turned to a local inn called the Jellied Eel. There they found a caricature of a man named Eystan who was looking for strong men to row his 30' long, 16 oared ship, the Waterhorse, down the River Running, through the Long Marshes and then East to Dorwinion territory. He spoke of wealth and riches for those who would join him. The basic problem, he explained, was that water traffic halted in either direction at the Long Marshes, for fear to go through it on either end. Thus, a system of horseman guards had been set up to ensure trade by land along a road called "The Wine Road". These "Pony Boys" as Eystan called them, were not exactly noble and virtuous, and if only he could break through the long marshes.
Needless to say, the party, after some gentle bragging, subterfuge and negotiations, signed up for the task, save for 2 members. Regnald decided to remain in Dale. His heart was heavy and he had been given a burgher to tend to (Meta: the LM plays the character Regnald). Also, Larahelle decided that being the only woman on a ship full of burly sweaty men was not the place for a lovely elf, so she decided not to go. (Meta: The player who owned Larahelle resigned for time and commitment reasons). Thus did Arathor, Veig and Rignuth only take on the job to head south. (Jaro had not yet joined the group.)
Arathor: An Elven Slayer, Wild at Heart
Regnald, the Fox: A Woodsman Warden, Seeker
Veig: A Dwarven Scholar, Far Trader
Rignuth: A Barding Wanderer, Wordweaver
Larahelle: An Elven Wanderer, Wild at Heart
Jaro Hornblower: A Hobbit Scholar, A Good Listener
Time & Place:
Spring of the year 2948, starting in the City of Dale, and the lands to the South and East.
Context & History:
Arathor, Regnald, and Veig are the "original" fellowship members, and had completed The Marsh Bell, Stay on the Path, Of Leaves and Stewed Hobbit and most of Kinstrife and Dark Tidings before being joined by Rignuth. The fellowship then undertook Darkness in the Marshes where they met Larahelle along the way, and having finished that, turned East back to Dale....
Part 1: To Dale
The battle at the Dwimmerhorn had been a success, but the enemy's damage weighed heavily upon the hearts of the fellowship. Of the score of prisoners that had been liberated, many died of their wounds in the hard winter following their freedom. Furthermore, the heroes had discovered the presence of at least 3 major foes: a monstrous new Great Orc named Ghor, who had barely escaped with his life, a skinchanger named Viglund....and some dark ghost that infested the hill. Regnald's sister, Dagmar (NPC) had been rescued and lived, but at a great price, for she bore many wounds and hideous scars of torture. Who knows what evils she was made to endure in the Dwimmerhorn? It was clear that Viglund wanted the shards of the axe called Wolfbiter, one of which she and her now deceased betrothed, Odovacar, had carried with her at one point. But why?
And of course Regnald was not pleased when his brother-in-arms Rignuth had shown a romantic interest in his sister. All the more reason, when Spring came, to undertake a mission to Dale. That carried it's own complications, as Rignuth, a citizen of Dale, had been banished from the King's Men nearly 4 years, for a crime he says he did not commit. Nevertheless, when Radagast asked for a missive to be carried by Regnald to King Bard, he gathered up those he trusted most and headed East.
In Dale, Rignuth was forced to lay low, to use skill at stealth and his cunning nature to avoid guards. The letter was delivered but not without almost being recognized by some of the other King's Men with whom Rignuth once trained and lived. King Bard would grant no audience, however, so the missive was given to Captain Elstan. What the letter said, no one yet knew.
The mission having been completed, the heroes turned to a local inn called the Jellied Eel. There they found a caricature of a man named Eystan who was looking for strong men to row his 30' long, 16 oared ship, the Waterhorse, down the River Running, through the Long Marshes and then East to Dorwinion territory. He spoke of wealth and riches for those who would join him. The basic problem, he explained, was that water traffic halted in either direction at the Long Marshes, for fear to go through it on either end. Thus, a system of horseman guards had been set up to ensure trade by land along a road called "The Wine Road". These "Pony Boys" as Eystan called them, were not exactly noble and virtuous, and if only he could break through the long marshes.
Needless to say, the party, after some gentle bragging, subterfuge and negotiations, signed up for the task, save for 2 members. Regnald decided to remain in Dale. His heart was heavy and he had been given a burgher to tend to (Meta: the LM plays the character Regnald). Also, Larahelle decided that being the only woman on a ship full of burly sweaty men was not the place for a lovely elf, so she decided not to go. (Meta: The player who owned Larahelle resigned for time and commitment reasons). Thus did Arathor, Veig and Rignuth only take on the job to head south. (Jaro had not yet joined the group.)