Sharing a session or two

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Sharing a session or two

Post by windsurfjunkie » Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:46 am

About a month ago I posted a Battle Table for the Old Ford scenario with Valter the Bloody. I made this table with inspiration from the TOR supplements and the tables found therein. It really helped me with a mass battle without getting too wrapped up in a lot a rules.
Now I would like to post my session recap from the two sessions I had with my players on this event, as it seems some people on this forum are saying they like to hear about other TOR game sessions.
My game does not follow the source material timeline exactly, but the main ideas are there.
I include some images and I am grateful to those internet artists, including one from Angus Macbride.
Remember that this is a recap following a long story, so the characters' backgrounds won't be explained fully.

Also, some of my players love quoting the movies and books when they roleplay, so you may laugh at some of the quotes direct from these sources. ... 0Ford.docx

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