Re: Travel in Moria: Rules
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:29 pm
Ok, latest scheme:
1) "Dungeon" maps look like network diagrams: that is, important plot "nodes" connected by "vectors". The vectors represent regions of the dungeon with lots of rooms and tunnels and places to get lost.
2) To get between plot points, parties must travel along/through these vectors. Each one is defined by the number of successes required to traverse, and the TN for each attempt.
3) These successes represent various "Trials" and require a variety of different skills.
For each Trial, the LM rolls a Feat die:
Eye: "Going in Circles" (party finds themselves in an area already traversed; no success possible)
1-4: Requires Explore test.
5: "Riddles in the Dark" (requires Lore or Riddle test)
6: "Do Not Disturb" (possible adversary encounter; requires Awareness and Stealth to pass, going around increases # of success required by 1.)
7: "Mind the Gap" (physical obstacle in the path that requires Athletics to pass; finding another route increases # of successes required by 1.)
8: (Working on this one)
9: Valour test
10: Wisdom test
Gandalf: Automatic success. Party finds a resource they need, such as food, water, or a relatively safe place to rest.
For results 1-10 (that require a skill test) failing with an Eye results in something bad, like an adversary encounter.
When the target number of successes is reached, the party reaches their destination within the dungeon.
Party needs to get from Entrance to Throne room, which (for the map in question) requires 4 successes against a TN of 18.
Trial 1: LM rolls a 4, party's Scout rolls Explore and gets a Great Success with a 21. That counts as 2 successes (because of the Tengwar) so they have 2 left to go.
Trial 2: LM rolls a 6, and determines that the path goes through the lair of some spiders. The party debates and decides that with the Barding's low Stealth they better not risk it, so they look for another route. That increases the total number of successes required by 1, so they now have 3 more to go.
Trial 3: LM rolls a 5 ("Riddles in the Dark") and describes a room where a number of similar passages intersect, and in between are crumbling bas-relief statues of lordly figures. One player rolls Lore and one rolls Riddle (the others abstain for fear of rolling an Eye and increasing their Hunt score) and the Lore roll is 19. The player explains that the statues represent the Valar, and Mandos would have been placed furthest west (Canon Guards chill...I'm improvising as I type), so they want to take the door opposite. 2 successes left to go.
Trial 4: LM rolls a 2, another Explore check. This time the Scout fails with an Eye, and the LM has them stumble into a fight. Still 2 successes left.
Trial 5: Gandalf! LM rules they have found a hidden chamber where it will be safe to rest, allowing some Endurance recovery from last fight. 1 success left.
Trial 6: "Mind the Gap": path goes along a narrow catwalk, crumbling in places, above a raging torrent. Requires Athletics roll to cross. Party decides to risk it and only loses one member, who really wanted to play a Ranger anyway. Zero successes left! Party arrives in Throne Room area.
I like the idea of including Wisdom and Valour tests in the table, but it's not clear to me how failing those tests would cause the journey to take longer.
I also like that this approach requires some kind of map of the dungeon, instead of it being freeform, but without having to draw out every twist and turn.
1) "Dungeon" maps look like network diagrams: that is, important plot "nodes" connected by "vectors". The vectors represent regions of the dungeon with lots of rooms and tunnels and places to get lost.
2) To get between plot points, parties must travel along/through these vectors. Each one is defined by the number of successes required to traverse, and the TN for each attempt.
3) These successes represent various "Trials" and require a variety of different skills.
For each Trial, the LM rolls a Feat die:
Eye: "Going in Circles" (party finds themselves in an area already traversed; no success possible)
1-4: Requires Explore test.
5: "Riddles in the Dark" (requires Lore or Riddle test)
6: "Do Not Disturb" (possible adversary encounter; requires Awareness and Stealth to pass, going around increases # of success required by 1.)
7: "Mind the Gap" (physical obstacle in the path that requires Athletics to pass; finding another route increases # of successes required by 1.)
8: (Working on this one)
9: Valour test
10: Wisdom test
Gandalf: Automatic success. Party finds a resource they need, such as food, water, or a relatively safe place to rest.
For results 1-10 (that require a skill test) failing with an Eye results in something bad, like an adversary encounter.
When the target number of successes is reached, the party reaches their destination within the dungeon.
Party needs to get from Entrance to Throne room, which (for the map in question) requires 4 successes against a TN of 18.
Trial 1: LM rolls a 4, party's Scout rolls Explore and gets a Great Success with a 21. That counts as 2 successes (because of the Tengwar) so they have 2 left to go.
Trial 2: LM rolls a 6, and determines that the path goes through the lair of some spiders. The party debates and decides that with the Barding's low Stealth they better not risk it, so they look for another route. That increases the total number of successes required by 1, so they now have 3 more to go.
Trial 3: LM rolls a 5 ("Riddles in the Dark") and describes a room where a number of similar passages intersect, and in between are crumbling bas-relief statues of lordly figures. One player rolls Lore and one rolls Riddle (the others abstain for fear of rolling an Eye and increasing their Hunt score) and the Lore roll is 19. The player explains that the statues represent the Valar, and Mandos would have been placed furthest west (Canon Guards chill...I'm improvising as I type), so they want to take the door opposite. 2 successes left to go.
Trial 4: LM rolls a 2, another Explore check. This time the Scout fails with an Eye, and the LM has them stumble into a fight. Still 2 successes left.
Trial 5: Gandalf! LM rules they have found a hidden chamber where it will be safe to rest, allowing some Endurance recovery from last fight. 1 success left.
Trial 6: "Mind the Gap": path goes along a narrow catwalk, crumbling in places, above a raging torrent. Requires Athletics roll to cross. Party decides to risk it and only loses one member, who really wanted to play a Ranger anyway. Zero successes left! Party arrives in Throne Room area.
I like the idea of including Wisdom and Valour tests in the table, but it's not clear to me how failing those tests would cause the journey to take longer.
I also like that this approach requires some kind of map of the dungeon, instead of it being freeform, but without having to draw out every twist and turn.