Stone Giant Rules ?

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Re: Stone Giant Rules ?

Post by aramis » Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:38 am

So, I'm thinking they should be about 1000 End, 10 hate, and 6D of Armor, with Parry of 10 or so...

And Attribute level 15. Attack does 15, Edge sauron, Injury 24; skill is 2d but NOT favored.

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Re: Stone Giant Rules ?

Post by Falenthal » Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:42 pm

zedturtle wrote: Huh, the only reference I see is to Tree-men ("giants you might call them" says Sam); some sort of alusion to Ents/Entwives.
When I read the HoME referred to the process of writing the Fellowship of the Rings, Chistropher Tolkien mentions that, in the beginning, the Ents where just a name that derivated from the old "Ettin", that is a Giant. The Ettenmoors where a place where giants could be found, and in the first drafts, what we now know as Ents where Evil Giants (nothing to do with trees in that phase).
In the first writings, Gandalf was not held captive by Saruman in Orthanc (Saruman still didn't exist), but by a "Giant named Fangorn in the south", and therefore he couldn't help Frodo travel to Rivendell.

So, back to the topic, I think that Giants could exist. He didn't change the name of the Ettenmoors and it seems to come from the Ettin. But I agree that they could be used maybe better as a Journey Hazard than as a monster to battle.

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