I guess it comes down to what one defines as errata.
In the troll example, for example, Francesco's comment comes across more as an alternative (houserule) than an errata. As for the revised Journey rules, Francesco said they are not official and he recently also stated:
If you never played before, go with the RAW.
Actually, I currently advocate the use of the original rules over my own revision in any case - I rediscovered why I designed them that way! They easily become second nature with the players and you have them rolling for Fatigue rolls right away.
From the old errata thread:
►Blighted Places by Francesco
Concerning Blighted Places - a Clarification
The rules found at page 57 of the Loremaster’s Book detail what happens when a company of adventurers enters an area qualifying as a blighted place. From the way the rules have been presented in that chapter, it seems that players are required to make Corruption tests every time they cross areas rated as Wild lands, Shadow lands and Dark lands, making for a rather unforgiving rule.
The original intent of the rule was that it is always left to the discretion of the Loremaster to determine whether a place must be considered blighted or not. The Blighted Lands table must be used when the Loremaster has decided that an area is indeed blighted, to determine the frequency of the required Corruption tests.
For example, the text for the Marsh-bell adventure applies the rule as intended, when at page 130, under the Entering Mirkwood paragraph, the bulleted text states that “The part of the Long Marshes that is inside Mirkwood qualifies as a blighted place.”
Under this interpretation, it is entirely possible for an area found within a region classified as Wild, Shadow or even Dark not to require any Corruption test to traverse. As far as the accumulation of Shadow is concerned, the various region types as classified in the Loremaster map serve as guidelines for the Loremaster to decide whether the region currently traversed by company is blighted or not, with Free lands being rarely blighted, and Dark lands being mostly so.
►Fatigue and Sanctuary by Amado
Amado clarified that Encumbrance from Travelling Gear is only added from failed Fatigue Tests and that this extra Fatigue is removed after a Prolonged Rest.
I am trying to get clarification that a Prolonged Rest assumes a night's sleep at a safe location and not on the road.
Yes, it assumes a night sleep at a safe location (not necessarily a Sanctuary though, just a place where you can properly rest from the toils of traveling and from the burden of gear, equipment, etc).
There's a rule in the "Journeys" chapter that seems to have been lost during the design process, precisely the one referring to the recovery of increased Fatigue.
As stated earlier, you increase your Fatigue score by a number of points equal to the Encumbrance of your Travelling gear. This increase is applied at the end of the Journey (i.e. at the beginning of the next Episode).
For every prolonged rest you take at a safe place (i.e. not "on the road"), you lose 1 point of Fatigue increase due to failed Travel rolls.
So if I suffer fatigue while on a Journey I do not apply the effects of the fatigue gain until the end of the Journey going into the next Adventuring Phase?
Also, If I gain a level of Fatigue due to a failed Travel roll while on a Journey and then stop at a safe spot to get a Prolonged Rest, I only get to dump 1 pt only of Fatigue?
Right, you reduce this Fatigue increase by one point per prolonged rest at a safe place.
Fatigue increase is applied
at the end of the Journey (i.e. at the beginning of the next episode), but this doesn't mean the next phase, it could still be the same adventuring phase.
►Gathering of Five Armies
In the Loremaster's Book, there are statements concerning the Gathering of Five Armies being in Esgaroth and at the beginning of summer. As per Francesco, these are wrong. (in Dale in late November is correct).
►p. 39 - The description of the journey "From Beorn's House to Rivendell" only has three legs, but the third leg--"to the Last Homely House (Border Land)"--is incorrectly listed as the "Fourth leg."
►(AB) Page 130 Elf Lights should say
"those standing close to the flare fight as if Weary for one round of combat"
►Elves Sleeping/Endurance
do elves of Mirkwood who sleep at night, recover endurance based on their favored heart attribute?
"Mirkwood Elves' ability applies to rolls involving a Common Skill. That was errataed/explained on the boards. So no, they use their regular Heart score."
►Dwarves and Swords
The list of weapons available to Dwarf characters (AB, p.76) should include Sword.
►(AB) P. 22
An Attribute’s basic rating is recorded in the bigger square box, and the favoured rating is recorded in the smaller circle.
But the basic rating is also recorded in a circle, albeit a bigger circle than the favoured attribute circle.
►(AB) P. 23
The bigger box is used to record any Experience points received during the current Adventuring phase, while the smaller box is used to keep track of the total Experience received
The smaller box is in fact a circle.
►(AB) p. 23
The smaller damage box on the character sheet, marked ranged…
The smaller box is in fact a circle.
►Hope, Focus, "not wounded or otherwise be harmed"
Francesco: With 'otherwise be harmed' I meant anything that gave a fellowship focus a hard time during the last session of play. It can be anything from getting beaten badly during combat (losing a lot of Endurance while not inflicting a lot of damage in return) or ending up being miserable or even weary.