Weapons and Armor from the Silmarillion

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Weapons and Armor from the Silmarillion

Post by nazgul_2000 » Sat Jul 26, 2014 5:45 am

So I'm working on a list of weapons and armor from the Silmarillion using the Rivendell supplement's rules for magical items. In this post, I'll share my list, which may not be exhaustive but is pretty close based on what I could find from a) my memory and b) Google. I've completed three items so far, I'll put each item up as a separate post. If anyone thinks I've missed anything, let me know. I've excluded items that are in someone's possession during the Third Age (Anduril, for example), as I'm mainly trying to populate my list with things my party can find and use.

The list, so far . . .

1. Aeglos. Spear of Gil-Galad.
2. Angrist. Beren's knife.
3. Anguirel. Sword of Dior, stolen by his son Maeglin.
4. Aranruth. Sword of Thingol, later became the sword of the Numenorean kings.
5. Belthronding. Beleg's longbow.
6. Black arrow. Used by Bard to slay Smaug.
7. Dagmor. Sword of Beren.
8. Dragon-helm of Dor-lomin. Aka the Helm of Hador. Turin's helmet.
9. Dramborleg. Tuor's axe.
10. Durin's Axe.
11. Dwarven helms with masks (used in the War of Wrath).
12. Great Horn of Gondor.
13. Grond. Mace wielded by Morgoth.
14. Gurthang (fka Anglachel). Turin's sword.
15. Red Arrow. Gondor used to summon aid from Rohan.
16. Ringil. Fingolfin's sword.

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Re: Weapons and Armor from the Silmarillion

Post by nazgul_2000 » Sat Jul 26, 2014 5:54 am

1. Aeglos, "snow point."
Type: Great spear
Craftmanship: Elven
Banes: Orcs
1. Cleaving
2. Crushing
3. Raging

Notes: The spear of Gil-Galad that was used against the forces of Sauron in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men in the Second Age, it was said that "none could stand before it," so I went with qualities that focus more on mass damage versus taking down a particular foe. No one knows for certain what became of it after Sauron slew Gil-Galad on the plains of Gorgoroth, though some believe Elrond brought it back to the Last Homely House . . .

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Re: Weapons and Armor from the Silmarillion

Post by nazgul_2000 » Sat Jul 26, 2014 6:02 am

Note: these are not going to be in numerical order . . . so up next is . . .

14. Gurthang. "Iron of Death."
Type: Longsword
Craftmanship: Elven
Banes: all living things
1. Superior grievous
2. Superior keen
3. Foe slaying
Notes: the sword of both Beleg and Turin, forged from Anglachel, the black blade of the Dark Elf Eol. It is said that the iron of its blade fell to Middle-earth from an asteroid, giving it unparalleled sharpness. A sentient blade that constantly thirsts for blood, its qualities show its propensity for killing single enemies fast - as evidenced by Turin's slaying Glaurung in one blow. Alas, it is also cursed, as its other name "Black Blade" attests - its wielder will suffer from the "Darken" curse.

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Re: Weapons and Armor from the Silmarillion

Post by nazgul_2000 » Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:01 pm

13. Grond. "The Hammer of the Underworld."
Type: Mace (use Mattock)
Craftmanship: Morgoth
Banes: elves, dwarves, men
1. Raging
2. Superior Grievous (as Elven)
3. Runes of Victory
Notes: Grond was the mace wielded by Morgoth in his single combat against Fingolfin, when he cratered the earth every time he missed. As Morgoth desired to mar Arda above all else, Grond shares this desire: every time its wielder misses its target with an attack, Grond nonetheless damages the ground around its opponent. Mechanically, the opponent loses any bonus success dice on each miss (one die per miss). If the opponent has no success dice, then instead they become increasingly hindered (-2 to the defender's TN, cumulative with each miss).

Curse: Shadow Taint.
Last edited by nazgul_2000 on Sat Aug 02, 2014 5:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Weapons and Armor from the Silmarillion

Post by zedturtle » Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:57 pm

nazgul_2000 wrote:13. Grond. "The Hammer of the Underworld."
Type: Mace (use Mattock)
Craftmanship: Morgoth
Banes: elves, dwarves, men
1. Raging
2. Superior Grievous (as Elven)
3. Runes of Victory
Notes: Grond was the mace wielded by Morgoth in his single combat against Fingolfin, when he cratered the earth every time he missed. As Morgoth desired to mar Arda above all else, Grond shares this desire: every time its wielder misses its target with an attack, Grond nonetheless damages the ground around its opponent. Mechanically, the opponent loses any bonus success dice on each miss. If the opponent has no success dice, then instead they become increasingly hindered (-2 to the defender's TN, cumulative with each miss).
I like this ability but it's oddly worded. Does the hero lose one success die each time Grond misses? (in which case it might read "loses a bonus success die" Or all of them the first time? (in which case "each miss" is incorrect, since this rule could only be used once per opponent)

The second part of the rule works, it's a bit of death spiral but this is Morgoth's mace we're talking about and by reducing the opponent's TN you make misses more and more unlikely.
Jacob Rodgers, occasional nitwit.

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